Tapan Mitra, 1948-2019

Goldwyn Smith Professor of Economics, Cornell University

  1. On Efficiency and Pareto-Optimality of Competitive Programs in Closed Multisector Models,” (with Daniel McFadden and Mukul Majumdar) Journal of Economic Theory, 13, (1976), 26-46.
  2. A Note on the Role of the Transversality Condition in Signalling Capital Overaccumulation,” (with Mukul Majumdar) Journal of Economic Theory, 13, (1976), 47-57.
  3. Efficient Capital Accumulation in a Multisector Neoclassical Model,” Review of Economic Studies, 43, (1976), 423-429.
  4. Efficient Growth with Exhaustible Resources in a Neoclassical Model,” Journal of Economic Theory, 17, (1978), 114-129.
  5. A Note on Efficient Growth with Irreversible Investment and the Phelps-Koopmans Theorem,” Journal of Economic Theory, 18, (1978), 216-223.
  6. On Optimal Growth with Variable Discount Rates: Existence and Stability Results,” International Economic Review, 20, (1979), 133-145.
  7. Identifying Inefficiency in Smooth Aggregative Models of Economic Growth: A Unifying Criterion,” Journal of Mathematical Economics, 6, (1979), 85-111.
  8. Characterizing Inefficiency of Infinite-Horizon Programs in Nonsmooth Technologies,” (with Lawrence Benveniste) in General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade (J. Green and J.A. Scheinkman, eds.), Academic Press, New York, (1979), 199-216.
  9. On the Value Maximizing Property of Infinite-Horizon Efficient Programs,” International Economic Review 20, (1979), 635-642.
  10. Pareto Optimality and Competitive Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Economies,” (with Daniel McFadden and Mukul Majumdar), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 7, (1980), 1-26.
  11. On Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources: Existence and Characterization Results,” Econometrica, 48, (1980), 1431-50.
  12. On Optimal Economic Growth with Changing Tastes and Technology: Characterization and Stability Results,” (with Itzhak Zilcha), International Economic Review, 22, (1981), 221-238.
  13. Some Results on Optimal Depletion of Exhaustible Resources Under Negative Discounting,” Review of Economic Studies, 48, (1981), 521-532.
  14. On Nash Equilibrium Programs of Capital Accumulation Under Altruistic Preferences,” (with John Lane), International Economic Review, 22, (1981), 309-331.
  15. Efficiency, Weak Value Maximality and Weak Value Optimality in a Multi-Sector Model,” Review of Economic Studies, 48, (1981), 643-647.
  16. Intertemporal Allocation with a Non-Convex Technology: The Aggregative Framework,” (with Mukul Majumdar), Journal of Economic Theory, 27, (1982), 101-136.
  17. On Some Problems in the Formulation of Optimum Population Policies when Resources are Depletable (with Swapan Dasgupta), Economic Theory of Natural Resources (Werner Eichhorn et. al. eds.) Physica-Verlag, Wuerzberg, (1982), 409-429.
  18. Feasible Alternatives Under Deteriorating Terms of Trade,” (with Mukul Majumdar and Debraj Ray), Journal of International Economics, 13 (1982), 105-134.
  19. Sensitivity of Optimal Programs with Respect to Change in Target Stocks: The Case of Irreversible Investment,” Journal of Economic Theory, 29, (1983), 172-184.
  20. Efficient and Optimal Programs when Investment is Irreversible: A Duality Theory” (with Debraj Ray), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 11, (1983), 81-113.
  21. Dynamic Optimization with a Non-Convex Technology: The Case of a Linear Objective Function,” (with Mukul Majumdar), Review of Economic Studies, 50, (1983), 143-151.
  22. Intergenerational Equity and Efficient Allocation of Exhaustible Resources,” (with Swapan Dasgupta), International Economic Review, 24, (1983), 133-153.
  23. Limits on Population Growth Under Exhaustible Resource Constraints,” International Economic Review, 24, (1983), 155-168.
  24. Dynamic Optimization on a Non-Convex Feasible Set: Some General Results for Non-Smooth Technologies,” (with Debraj Ray), Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 44 (1984), 151-175.
  25. A Result on the Transfer Problem in International Trade Theory,” (with Mukul Majumdar), Journal of International Economics, 19, (1985), 161-170.
  26. Some Theoretical Results on the Economics of Forestry,” (with Henry Wan, Jr.), Review of Economic Studies, 52, (1985), 263-282.
  27. On the Faustmann Solution to the Forest Management Problem,” (with Henry Wan, Jr.), Journal of Economic Theory, 40, (1986), 229- 249.
  28. On the Existence of a Stationary Optimal Stock for a Multi-Sector Economy: A Primal Approach,” (with M. Ali Khan), Journal of Economic Theory, 40, (1986), 319-328.
  29. Characterization of Intertemporal Optimality in Terms of Decentralizable Conditions: The Discounted Case,” (with Swapan Dasgupta), Journal of Economic Theory, 45, (1988), 274-287.
  30. Intertemporal Optimality in a Closed Linear Model of Production,” (with Swapan Dasgupta), Journal of Economic Theory, 45, (1988), 288-315.
  31. Maximum Theorems for Convex Structures with an Application to the Theory of Optimal Intertemporal Allocation,” (with Prajit Dutta), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18, (1989), 77-86.
  32. On Continuity of the Utility Function in Intertemporal Allocation Models: An Example,” (with Prajit Dutta), International Economic Review, 30, (1989), 527-536.
  33. Dynamic Optimization Under Uncertainty: Non-Convex Feasible Set,” (with Mukul Majumdar and Yaw Nyarko), Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory (George Feiwel, ed.), MacMillan, London, (1989), 545-590.
  34. On Price Characterization of Optimal Plans in a Multi-Sector Economy,” (with Swapan Dasgupta) in Essays in Economic Theory (Bhaskar Dutta, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Dilip Mookherjee and Debraj Ray, eds.), Oxford University Press, 1990, 115-129.
  35. Inequality and Welfare in Market Economies,” (with James Foster and Mukul Majumdar), in Journal of Public Economics, 41 (1990), 351-367.
  36. Decentralizacion Intertemporal,” (with Mukul Majumdar), Cuadernos Economicos, 46, (1990), 61-101.
  37. The Economics of Orchards: An Exercise in Point-Input, Flow- Output Capital Theory” (with Debraj Ray and Rahul Roy), Journal of Economic Theory, 53, (1991), 12-50.
  38. Resource Allocation in Non-Walrasian Environments” (with Venkatesh Bala and Mukul Majumdar), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 15 (1991), 1-28.
  39. Indefinitely Sustained Consumption Despite Exhaustible Natural Resources” (with David Cass), Economic Theory, 1, (1991), 119-146.
  40. Decentralized Evolutionary Mechanisms for Intertemporal Economies: A Possibility Result” (with Venkatesh Bala and Mukul Majumdar), Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 53 (1991), 1-29.
  41. On the Existence of Optimal Processes in Non-Stationary Environments” (with Yaw Nyarko), Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, 53 (1991), 245-270.
  42. On the Existence of a Stationary Optimal Stock for a Multi-Sector Economy with a Non-Convex Technology,” in Equilibrium and Dynamics (Mukul Majumdar, ed.), MacMillan, London, (1991).
  43. Intertemporal Decentralization” (with Mukul Majumdar), Finnish Economic Papers, 4, (1991), 79-103.
  44. A Characterization of Infinite Horizon Optimality in Terms of Finite Horizon Optimality and a Critical Stock Condition” (with Debraj Ray), in Decentralization in Infinite Horizon Economies (Mukul Majumdar, ed.), Westview Press (1992).
  45. Some Results on the Transfer Problem in an Exchange Economy” (with Mukul Majumdar), Theoretical Issues in Development Economics (Bhaskar Dutta, Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Dilip Mookherjee and Debraj Ray, eds.), Oxford University Press, (1993), 221-244.
  46. On Some Aspects of Survival Under Production Uncertainty” (with Santanu Roy), Economic Theory, 3, (1993), 397-411.
  47. The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem: Links to Dominant Diagonals” (with Ronald W. Jones and Sugata Marjit), in General Equilibrium, Growth and Trade II: The Legacy of Lionel W. McKenzie (Robert Becker, Michele Boldrin, Ronald W. Jones and William Thomson, eds.), Academic Press, (1993), 429-441.
  48. “Comparative Dynamics and Chaos in Capital Accumulation Models” (with Mukul Majumdar) in Capital, Investment and Development: Essays in Memory of Sukhamoy Chakravarty (Kaushik Basu, Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra, eds.), Basil Blackwell, (1993), 99-125.
  49. Periodic and Chaotic Programs of Optimal Intertemporal Allocation in an Aggregative Model with Wealth Effects” (with Mukul Majumdar), Economic Theory, 4 (1994), 649-676; reprinted in Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  50. Robust Ergodic Chaos in Discounted Dynamic Optimization Models” (with Mukul Majumdar), Economic Theory, 4 (1994), 677-688; reprinted in Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  51. Robust Chaos in Dynamic Optimization Models” (with Mukul Majumdar), Ricerche Economiche , 48 (1994), 225-240.
  52. Efficient Monetary Equilibrium: An Overlapping Generations Model with Nonstationary Monetary Policies” (with Joan Esteban and Debraj Ray), Journal of Economic Theory, 64 (1994), 372-389.
  53. Transversality Conditions in Optimum Growth Models with or without Discounting: A Unified View” (with SwapanDasgupta), Estudios de Economia, 21 (1994), 301-311.
  54. Share Ribs and Income Distribution” (with Ronald W. Jones), Review of International Economics, 3 (1995), 36-52.
  55. Patterns of Trade and Growth Under Increasing Returns: Escape from the Poverty Trap” (with Mukul Majumdar), Japanese Economic Review, 46 (1995), 207-225.
  56. An Exact Discount Factor Restriction for Period Three Cycles in Dynamic Optimization Models”, Journal of Economic Theory, 69 (1996), 281-305; reprinted in Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  57. Personal Income Taxation and the Principle of Equal Sacrifice Revisited” (with Efe Ok), International Economic Review 37 (1996), 925-948.
  58. Complexities of Concrete Walrasian Systems” (with Mukul Majumdar), in Issues in Economic Theory and Public Policy (Amitava Bose, Mihir Rakshit and Anup Sinha, eds.), Oxford University Press, 1997, 41-63.
  59. On the Equitability of Progressive Taxation” (with Efe Ok), Journal of Economic Theory 73(1997), 316-334.
  60. “Controlling Chaos: Some Analytical Results and Applications to Tatonnement” (with Venkatesh Bala and Mukul Majumdar), Nonlinear World, 4 (1997), 363-379.
  61. On the Relationship between Discounting and Complicated Behavior in Dynamic Optimization Models”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 33 (1998), 421-434.
  62. A Note on Controlling a Chaotic Tatonnement” (with Venkatesh Bala and Mukul Majumdar) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 33 (1998), 411-420.
  63. Popular Support for Progressive Taxation and the Relative Income Hypothesis” (with Efe Ok and Levant Kockesen), Economics Letters, 58 (1998), 69-76.
  64. On Equilibrium Dynamics under Externalities in a Model of Economic Development”, Japanese Economic Review, 49 (1998), 85-107.
  65. The Measurement of Income Mobility: A Partial Ordering Approach” (with Efe Ok), Economic Theory, 12 (1998), 77-102.
  66. Factor Shares and the Chipman Condition” (with R.W. Jones), Trade, Theory and Econometrics: Essays in Honor of John Chipman (James Melvin, James Moore and Ray Riezman, eds.), Routledge, 1999.
  67. Rationalizing Policy Functions by Dynamic Optimization” (with Gerhard Sorger), Econometrica, 67 (1999), 375-392.
  68. Infinite Horizon Competitive Programs are Optimal” (with Swapan Dasgupta), Journal of Economics, 69 (1999), 217-238.
  69. Optimal and Competitive Programs in Reachable Multi-Sector Models” (with Swapan Dasgupta), Economic Theory 14 (1999), 565-582.
  70. On the Existence of Chaotic Policy Functions in Dynamic Optimization” (with Gerhard Sorger), Japanese Economic Review, 50(1999), 470-484.
  71. On the Welfare Significance of National Product for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development” (with Swapan Dasgupta), Japanese Economic Review, 50 (1999), 422-442.
  72. Dynamical Systems: A Tutorial” (with Mukul Majumdar), Chapter 1 of the book, Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  73. Introduction to Dynamic Optimization Theory”, Chapter 2 of the book, Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  74. On the Relationship between Discounting and Entropy of Dynamic Optimization Models”, Chapter 13 of the book, Optimization and Chaos, (Mukul Majumdar, T. Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura, eds.) Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  75. Introduction to Intertemporal Equilibrium Theory: Indeterminacy, Bifurcations, and Stability”, (with Kazuo Nishimura) Journal of Economic Theory, 96 (2001), 1-12.
  76. A Sufficient Condition for Topological Chaos with an Application to a Model of Endogenous Growth,” Journal of Economic Theory, 96 (2001), 133-152.
  77. Discounting and Long-Run Behavior: Global Bifurcation Analysis of a Family of Dynamical Systems” (with Kazuo Nishimura) Journal of Economic Theory, 96 (2001), 256-293.
  78. On the Nature of Policy Functions of Dynamic Optimization Models” in Contemporary Macroeconomics," (Amitava Bose, Debraj Ray and Abhirup Sarkar, eds.), 206-231, Oxford, 2001.
  79. National Product, Income Accounts and Sustainable Development” (with Swapan Dasgupta) in Contemporary Macroeconomics (Amitava Bose, Debraj Ray and Abhirup Sarkar, eds.), 56-88, Oxford, 2001.
  80. Intertemporal Equity and Efficient Allocation of Resources”, Journal of Economic Theory, 107 (2002), 356-376.
  81. Discounting and the Growth of Net National Product” (with Amitava Bose and Swapan Dasgupta), in Essays in Economic Theory, Growth and Labor Markets: A Festschrift in Honor of Emmanuel Drandakis (George Bitros and Yannis Katsoulacos, eds.), 19-30, Edward Elgar (2002).
  82. Ranking Investment Projects” (with James Foster), Economic Theory, 22 (2003), 469-494.
  83. Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams Under Intergenerational Equity” (with Kaushik Basu), Econometrica 71 (2003), 1557-1563.
  84. The Nature of the Steady State in Models of Optimal Growth under Uncertainty” (with Luigi Montrucchio and Fabio Privileggi), Economic Theory, 23 (2004), 39-71.
  85. Cantor Type Invariant Distributions in the Theory of Optimal Growth under Uncertainty” (with Fabio Privileggi), Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 10 (2004), 489-500.
  86. Intertemporal Complementarity and Optimality: A Study of A Two-Dimensional Dynamical System” (with Kazuo Nishimura), International Economic Review, 46, (2005), 93-131.
  87. Intertemporal Equity and Hartwick’s Rule in an Exhaustible Resource Model” (with Wolfgang Buchholz and Swapan Dasgupta), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(3), (2005), 547-561.
  88. On Choice of Technique in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model” (with M. Ali Khan), International Journal of Economic Theory, 1 (2005), 83-110.
  89. Intergenerational Equity and the Forest Management Problem”, in Economics, Sustainability, and Natural Resources: Economics of Sustainable Forest Management (Shashi Kant and R. Albert Berry, eds.), Springer, 2005, 137-173.
  90. On Topological Chaos in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model” (with M. Ali Khan), Economics Letters, 88 (2005), 127-133.
  91. Characterization of the Turnpike Property of Optimal Paths in the Aggregative Model of Intertemporal Allocation," International Journal of Economic Theory, 1 (2005), 247-275.
  92. Optimal Exploitation of Renewable Resources Under Uncertainty and the Extinction of Species” (with Santanu Roy), Economic Theory, 28, (2006), 1-23.
  93. Cantor Type Attractors in Stochastic Growth Models” (with Fabio Privileggi), Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 29 (2006), 626-637.
  94. Duality Theory in Infinite Horizon Optimization Models” in Handbook of Optimal Growth, Volume 1 (Rose-Anne Dana, C. Le Van, Tapan Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura eds.), Springer (2006).
  95. On Stationary Optimal Stocks in Optimal Growth Theory: Existence and Uniqueness Results” (with Kazuo Nishimura), in Handbook of Optimal Growth, Volume 1 (R.A. Dana, Cuong Le Van, T.Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura eds.), Springer (2006).
  96. Optimal Cycles and Chaos” (with Kazuo Nishimura and Gerhard Sorger), in Handbook of Optimal Growth, Volume 1 (R.A. Dana, Cuong Le Van, T.Mitra and Kazuo Nishimura eds.), Springer (2006).
  97. Discounted Optimal Growth in the Two-Sector RSS Model: A Geometric Investigation” (with M. Ali Khan), Advances in Mathematical Economics, 8 (2006), 349-381.
  98. Undiscounted Optimal Growth in the Two-Sector Robinson-Solow- Srinivasan Model: A Synthesis of the Value-Loss Approach and Dynamic Programming” (with M. Ali Khan), Economic Theory, 29 (2006), 341-362.
  99. Foreword to the Symposium” (with Charalambos Aliprantis, Kazuo Nishimura and Roy Radner), Symposium of Economic Theory in honor of Mukul Majumdar, Economic Theory, 29 (2006), 249-250.
  100. Intertemporally Dependent Preferences and Optimal Dynamic Behavior” (with Kazuo Nishimura), International Journal of Economic Theory, 2 (2006), 341-362.
  101. Utilitarianism for Infinite Utility Streams: A New Welfare Criterion and its Axiomatic Characterization” (with Kaushik Basu), Journal of Economic Theory, 133 (2007), 350-373.
  102. On the Impatience Implications of Paretian Social Welfare Functions” (with Kuntal Banerjee), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43 (2007), 236-248.
  103. Instability and fluctuations in intertemporal equilibrium models: Presentation” (with Cuong Le Van, Kazuo Nishimura and Alain Venditti), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43 (2007), 231-235.
  104. Optimal Growth under Discounting in the Two-Sector Robinson- Solow-Srinivasan Model: A Dynamic Programming Approach” (with M. Ali Khan), Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 13 (2007), 151-168.
  105. Foreword to the Symposium in Honor of Kazuo Nishimura” (with Jess Benhabib), Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 13 (2007), 97-98.
  106. Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector RSS Model Without Discounting: A Geometric Investigation” (with M. Ali Khan), Japanese Economic Review, 58 (2007), 191-225.
  107. On the Possibility of Extinction in a Class of Markov Processes in Economics” (with Santanu Roy), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 43 (2007), 842-854.
  108. Constant Savings Rates and Quasi-Arithmetic Population Growth under Exhaustible Resource Constraints” (with Geir Asheim, Wolfgang Buchholz, John Hartwick and Cees Withagen), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 53 (2007), 213-229.
  109. A New Equity Condition for Infinite Utility Streams and the Possibility of Being Paretian” (with Geir Asheim and Bertil Tungodden), in Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability (John Roemer and Kotaro Suzumura, eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, (2007), 55-68.
  110. Possibility Theorems for Equitably Aggregating Infinite Utility Streams” (with Kaushik Basu), in Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability (John Roemer and Kotaro Suzumura, eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, (2007), 69-84.
  111. On the Existence of Paretian Social Welfare Quasi Orderings for Infinite Utility Streams with Extended Anonymity” (with Kaushik Basu), in Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability (John Roemer and Kotaro Suzumura, eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, (2007), 85-99.
  112. On the Continuity of Ethical Social Welfare Orders on Infinite Utility Streams” (with Kuntal Banerjee), Social Choice and Welfare, 30 (2008), 1-12.
  113. On Competitive Equitable Paths under Exhaustible Resource Constraints: The Case of a Growing Population”, International Journal of Economic Theory, 4 (2008), 53-76.
  114. Growth in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model: Undiscounted Optimal Policy with a Strictly Concave Welfare Function” (with M. Ali Khan), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 44 (2008), 707-732.
  115. On Commodity Prices and Factor Rewards: A Close Look at Sign Patterns”, in Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade Theory and Policy, (Sugata Marjit and Eden Yu, eds.), Emerald Group, (2008), 125-140.
  116. On Lipschitz Continuity of the Iterated Function System in a Stochastic Optimal Growth Model” (with Fabio Privileggi), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 45 (2009), 185-198.
  117. Lionel W. McKenzie” (with Kazuo Nishimura), in Equilibrium, Trade, and Growth: Selected Papers of Lionel W. McKenzie, MIT Press, (2009).
  118. Sustainability and Discounted Utilitarianism in Models of Economic Growth” (with Geir Asheim), Mathematical Social Sciences 59 (2010), 148-169
  119. Equivalence of Utilitarian Maximal and Weakly Maximal Programs” (with Kuntal Banerjee), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 46 (2010), 279-292.
  120. On Equitable Social Welfare Functions satisfying the Weak Pareto Axiom: A Complete Characterization” (with Ram Sewak Dubey), International Journal of Economic Theory, 7 (2011), 231 250.
  121. On Optimal Forest Management: A Bifurcation Analysis” (with Swapan Dasgupta), in Dimensions of Economic Theory and Policy: Essays for Anjan Mukherji, Oxford University Press, (2011), 51-68.
  122. Sustainable Recursive Social Welfare Functions” (with Geir Asheim and Bertil Tungodden), Economic Theory, (2012), 267-292.
  123. On the Phelps-Koopmans Theorem” (with Debraj Ray), Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2012), 833-849.
  124. Sustained Positive Consumption in a Model of Stochastic Growth: the Role of Risk Aversion” (with Santanu Roy), Journal of Economic Theory, 147 (2012) 850-880.
  125. Long Run Optimal Behavior in a Two Sector Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model” (with M. Ali Khan), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 16 (2012), 70-85.
  126. Efficient Ramsey Equilibria” (with Robert A. Becker), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 16 (2012), 18-32.
  127. On a Safe Capital Stock for Consumption Maintenance in a Convex Model of Stochastic Growth” (with Santanu Roy), International Journal of Economic Theory, 8 (2012), 49-66.
  128. Impatience and Dynamic Optimal Behavior: A Bifurcation Analysis of the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model” (with M. Ali Khan), Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 75 (2012), 1400-1418.
  129. Some Rationalizability Results for Dynamic Games” (with Ken-Ichi Akao and Gerhard Sorger), International Journal of Economic Theory, 8 (2012), 361-379.
  130. On the Nature of Suppes-Sen Maximal Paths in an Aggregative Growth Model” (with Ram Sewak Dubey), Social Choice and Welfare, 40 (2013), 173-205.
  131. Characterizing the Sustainability Problem in an Exhaustible Resource Model” (with Geir Asheim, Wolfgang Buchholz and Cees Withagen), Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (2013), 2164-2182.
  132. On Ramsey's Conjecture” (with Gerhard Sorger), Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (2013), 1953-1976.
  133. On Representation of Monotone Preference Orders in a Sequence Space” (with Mahmut Kemal Ozbek), Social Choice and Welfare, 41 (2013), 473-487.
  134. Discounted Optimal Growth in a Two-Sector RSS Model: A Further Geometric Investigation” (with M. Ali Khan), Advances in Mathematical Economics, 17 (2013), 39-70.
  135. On Ramsey Equilibrium: Capital Ownership Pattern and Inefficiency” (with Robert A. Becker and Ram Sewak Dubey), Economic Theory, 55 (2014), 565-600.
  136. Inefficiency and the Golden Rule: Phelps-Koopmans Revisited” (with Debraj Ray), in Emerging Issues in Economic Development (Sugata Marjit and Meenakshi Rajeev, eds.), Oxford University Press (2014), 43-56.
  137. On Construction of Equitable Social Welfare Orders on Infinite Utility Streams” (with Ram Sewak Dubey), Mathematical Social Sciences, 71 (2014), 53-60.
  138. Extinction in Common Property Resource Models: an Analytically Tractable Example” (with Gerhard Sorger), Economic Theory, 57, (2014), 41-57.
  139. Combining Monotonicity and Strong Equity: Construction and Representation of Orders on Infinite Utility Streams” (with Ram Sewak Dubey), Social Choice and Welfare, 43, (2014), 591-602.
  140. On Social Welfare Functions on Infinite Utility Streams Satisfying Hammond Equity and Weak Pareto axioms: A Complete Characterization” (with Ram Sewak Dubey), Economic Theory Bulletin, 3, (2014), 169-180.
  141. On Maximin Value and Policy Functions in an Exhaustible Resource Model”, International Journal of Economic Theory, 11, (2014), 39-58.
  142. "On Construction of Equitable Social Welfare Orders on Infinite Utility Streams" (with Ram Sewak Dubey), Mathematical Social Science, 71, (2014), 53-60.
  143. "Noncooperative Resource Exploitation by Patient Players" (with Gerhard Sorger) Dynamic Games and Applications, 5, (2015), 361-377.
  144. On Literacy Rankings”, in Themes in Economic Analysis Theory, Policy and Measurement: Essays in Honor of Satish Jain (Subrata Guha, Rajendra Prasad Kundu and Sreenivasan Subramanian, eds.)New Delhi:Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group (2016).
  145. "Optimality of Ramsey-Euler policy in the stochastic growth model" (with Santanu Roy), Journal of Economic Theory, 172, (2017), 1-25.
  146. "On Wold's Approach to Representation of Preferences" (with Kuntal Banerjee), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79, (2018), 65-74.
  147. "Harvesting the Commons" (with Partha Dasgupta and Gerhard Sorger), Environment and Resource Economics, 72, (2019) 613-636.
  148. Individual Preferences and Democratic Processes: Two Theorems with Implications for Electoral Politics” (with Kaushik Basu), Social Choice and Welfare, 2019, forthcoming.
  149. Complicated Dynamics and Parametric Restrictions in the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan (RSS) Model” (with M. Ali Khan), Advances in Mathematical Economics, 23, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0713-7_4