By Column: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups
Alphabetically: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups
Variable | Question |
age | R's age |
age.parents.separated | If your parents are no longer together, how old were you when their relationship ended? -- Note that this includes the level "Not Applicable" if the parents are still together (or one is dead) and the original question is missing. |
age.r | This recodes age into three categories |
any.children | Do you have children? |
num.romances |
Since you started college have you been in a romantic relationship that has lasted longer than six months? If so, how many? (I recoded num.romances, which in the questionnaire can range from [1, 5], to [0, 5], using the answer to the former question.) |
black chinese japanese korean filipino vietnamese south.asian other.asian mexican puerto.rican other.hispanic native.american other.race.but.not.native.american race.specify other.race asian hispanic |
Which of these racial or ethnic groups describes you? (check all that apply) -- Note that other.race, asian, and hispanic are collapsed versions of the preceding more detailed categories. (See also race, where students were asked to pick one.) |
athletics | Are you a member of a varsity athletics team? (not club sports or intramurals) | |
This differs from gender only in that transgenders are missing. It does not recode transgender individuals to their biological sex. The variable is named and not sex since, for this dataset, almost everything has to do with some kind of sex. (This variable exists only because there's a female vector in the original file; I don't really see it's purpose versus just using gender, beyond the fact that it will automatically result in the listwise deletion of transgender individuals from a regression which includes both sexes. |
childhood.religion.specify |
What religion were you raised in? (if other, please specify) |
childhood.religion.r | This collapses evangelical into Protestant, and non-Jewish, non-Catholic, non-Protestant, non-None into Other. |
church.attendance | How often did you typically attend religious services in the past year? |
church.attendance.r | This recodes church attendance; 'Never' remains 'Never'; 'A few times a year' is relabeled 'Rarely'; and the remaining -- 1-3 times monthly, once a week, and more than once a week -- are collapsed into 'Regularly'. |
continent.of.origin | If you were not born in the United States, where were you born? |
country.of.origin | In which country were you born in? |
dates.greek | Since you started college, with how many people have you been on dates with whom you were NOT already in a relationship, where... ...the date DID NOT involve going to a fraternity, sorority, or dorm event? | | This variable sums greek and other dates, but note that these two original variables from the questionnaire were both capped at 15. |
educational.ambition | What is the highest level of schooling you intend to complete? |
educational.ambition.r | This recodes educational.ambition into 4 categories. |
family.structure | What is the current relationship between your biological or adoptive parents? |
gender | What is your gender? |
gpa | What is your cumulative GPA? |
gpa.c | This variable collapses gpa into fewer categories, for regressions that are easier to read and also for larger cell sizes. |
grade | What is your current year in school? |
grade.c | This collapses, for 1st-4th year undergrads, junior and senior together, to increase cell size in some regressions. | | This collapses, for 1st-4th year undergrads, sophomore, junior and senior together, to increase cell size in some regressions. |
greek | Are you in a fraternity or sorority? | | What is your height? -- Note that this variable is in inches, though the questionnaire included separate fields for feet and inches. |
id | Student ID |
immigrant | Were you born in the United States (one of the 50 states or Washington DC)? |
is.traditional.age | I coded these such that: freshman are 18, sophomores 19, juniors 20, and seniors 21, all +/- 1. This looks for students in their 1st-4th years of college (so it's false for 5th-year students). |
major | What is your major? |
marriage | Do you want to get married in the future? | | This variable indicators whether the respondent's mother received a bachelor's degree or higher. | | What level of education has your mother completed? -- Note that no parallel question exists about R's father's education. | | This collapses High school only and Less than high school into High school or less. | | How many people have you asked out on dates since starting college (not counting fraternity, sorority, dorm events, or people you were already in a relationship with)? | | This is a preliminary coding of 'party schools.' |
physattr | How would you rate your physical attractiveness? -- 1 = Very unattractive, 10 = Very attractive | | What kind of community did you go to high school in? |
race | If you had to pick one racial or ethnic group to describe yourself, which would it be? |
religion.specify |
What is your current religious preference? (if other, please specify |
residence | Where do you live? |
school | This variable links the student to a college, using (as far as I understand) the class-specific passwords the students logged in with. |
school.kind | In general, you'll want to subset school.kind == "College", since only one was a junior college. | | Server timestamp |
sexual.orientation | What is your sexual orientation? |
signature.month |
Student signature | | What state did you graduate from high school in? |
twenty.or.above | This simply indicates whether the student is at least 20 | | What is your weight (in pounds)? |