By Column: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

Alphabetically: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups (in Dating, Hookups and Relationships)

Variable Summary Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Casual-sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Was (or is) your {date/significant other/the person you hooked up with} a student at the same college as you?

This variable,, is used in the construction of the variable, partner.attends.same.college_r.

hookups (partner_attends_same_college or h__p_a_s_c)
 All RsFemaleMale
Yes 8265 56.30% 5365 54.27% 2868 60.48%
No 6249 42.57% 4438 44.89% 1795 37.85%
Don't know 166 1.13% 83 0.84% 79 1.67%
Missing 69
Total 14749 100% 9919 100% 4771 100%

dates (partner_attends_same_college or d__p_a_s_c)
 All RsFemaleMale
Yes 8072 55.91% 5129 52.89% 2909 62.08%
No 6323 43.79% 4548 46.90% 1754 37.43%
Don't know 43 0.30% 20 0.21% 23 0.49%
Missing 51
Total 14489 100% 9726 100% 4707 100%

romances (partner_attends_same_college or r__p_a_s_c)
 All RsFemaleMale
Yes 5132 41.92% 3495 39.01% 1616 49.92%
No 7110 58.08% 5465 60.99% 1621 50.08%
Missing 50
Total 12292 100% 8985 100% 3260 100%

hookups: Yes        No        Don't know
dates: Yes        No        Don't know
romances: Yes        No
2730, 1992, 1680, 1649, 267
1189, 925, 794, 711, 168
2191, 1980, 1737, 1734, 281
926, 907, 830, 771, 179
1775, 1598, 1620, 1648, 265
490, 537, 596, 573, 143
hookups: Yes        No        Don't know
dates: Yes        No        Don't know
romances: Yes        No
2080, 1408, 1176, 1120, 170
921, 636, 542, 478, 107
1554, 1342, 1155, 1140, 176
712, 598, 545, 491, 111
1221, 1018, 1073, 1075, 165
375, 356, 402, 382, 93

These graphs reflect only undergraduates attending 4-year colleges who are of normative age -- 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22, +/- 1, for freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and later undergraduates, respectively. Solid lines represent women. Dotted lines represent men.

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Next column: partner.attends.same.college_r

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