EC9AA The Practice of Economic Research

Lectures on Economic Inequality

Instructor: Debraj Ray; email:

Department of Economics, University of Warwick, 2024

My lectures will be divided into five 2-hour sessions. For links to slides used in the lectures and some readings, see below, or in the menu bar.

Lecture location and dates:

All lectures will take place in Social Sciences S0.08.

May 20 (Monday), 10.00-12.00

May 21 (Tuesday), 10.00-12.00

May 22 (Wednesday), 10.00-12.00

May 23 (Thursday), 10.00-12.00

May 24 (Friday), 10.00-12.00

Office Hours: You are free to email me any time and set up an appointment to meet in person or on Zoom, etc. I will be more than happy to talk about the course, or your research, or life in general...

Lecture 1. Introduction  [Slides 1], [Supplement 1 Slides 1] [Supplement 2 Slides 1] [Supplement 3 Slides 1]


D. Ray (2010), "Uneven Growth: A Framework for Research in Development Economics," Journal of Economic Perspectives 24, No. 3 (Summer 2010), 45--60.

D. Ray (2014), "Nit-Piketty," blog post, published in CESifo Forum 16 (1), 2015, 19-25.


T. Piketty (2013), Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

D. Ray, Development Economics, Princeton University Press, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (new versions)

Lecture 2. Personal Inequality: Occupational Choice [Slides 2] [Supplement 1 Slides 2]


G. Loury (1981), "Intergenerational Transfers and the Distribution of Earnings,'' Econometrica 49, 843-867.

D. Mookherjee and D. Ray (2003), "Persistent Inequality," Review of Economic Studies 70, 369--393.

D. Mookherjee and D. Ray (2010), "Inequality and Markets," AEJ Microeconomics 2, 38-76.


A. Banerjee and A. Newman (1993), "Occupational Choice and the Process of Development,'' Journal of Political Economy 101, 274-298.

O. Galor and J. Zeira (1993), "Income Distribution and Macroeconomics,'' Review of Economic Studies 60, 35-52.

Lecture 3. Functional Inequality: The Falling Labor Share   [Slides 3] [Supplement 1 Slides 3]


D. Mookherjee and D. Ray (2021), "Growth, Automation and the Long-Run Share of Labor.Review of Economic Dynamics, September 2021.


D. Acemoglu and P. Restrepo (2018), "The Race Between Man and Machine," American Economic Review 2018, 108(6), 1488–1542

P. Ghosh and D. Ray (2021), " A Sovereign Fund for India," in Kaushik Basu, Maitreesh Ghatak, Kenneth Kletzer, Sudipto Mundle and Eric Verhoogen (eds), Development, Distribution, and Markets: Essays in Honour of Pranab Bardhan, Oxford University Press.

Lecture 4. Upward Mobility [Slides 4]


G. Genicot and D.Ray (20), Measuring Upward Mobility, American Economic Review 2023, 113(11), 3044–3089.

Lecture 5. Inequality and Conflict [Summary Slides] [Slides 5] [Slides 6]


J. Esteban and D. Ray (2011), "Linking Conflict to Inequality and Polarization," American Economic Review 101(4), 1345–74.

Esteban, J., Mayoral, L. and D. Ray (2012), "Ethnicity and Conflict: An Empirical Study," American Economic Review 102, 1310-1342.


D. Ray and J. Esteban (2017), Conflict and Development, Annual Reviews of Economics 9, 263-293.

Montalvo, J. and M. Reynal-Querol (2005), "Ethnic Polarization, Potential Conflict and Civil Wars," American Economic Review 95, 796--815.

Esteban, J., Mayoral, L. and D. Ray (2012), "Ethnicity and Conflict: Theory and Facts," Science 336, 858 - 865.

Genicot, G. and D. Ray (2020), Aspirations and Economic Behavior, Annual Review of Economics 12, 715-746.

Mitra, A. and D. Ray (2014), Implications of an Economic Theory of Conflict: Hindu-Muslim Violence in India, Journal of Political Economy 1, 719-765.

Mitra, A. and D. Ray (2019), Hindu-Muslim Violence in India: A Postscript From the 21st Century, in Advances in the Economics of Religion, (J-P Carvalho, S. Iyer and J. Rubin, eds.) Volume 158, International Economic Association Series.