By Column: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

Alphabetically: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

would.hookup.again (in Hookups)

Variable Summary Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Casual-sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

At the end of the hookup, were you interested in hooking up again?

hookups (would_hookup_again or hookup__would_hookup_again)
 All RsFemaleMale
No, I wasn't at all interested 2492 19.10% 1766 20.05% 718 17.14%
Possibly; I didn't really know yet 2370 18.17% 1505 17.09% 850 20.30%
Maybe; it had some appeal 2647 20.29% 1683 19.11% 952 22.73%
Yes, I was definitely interested 5535 42.43% 3854 43.76% 1668 39.83%
Missing 1705
Total 14749 100% 9919 100% 4771 100%

No, I wasn't at all interested        Possibly; I didn't really know yet        Maybe; it had some appeal        Yes, I was definitely interested
2347, 1750, 1492, 1473, 248
989, 814, 705, 641, 150
No, I wasn't at all interested        Possibly; I didn't really know yet        Maybe; it had some appeal        Yes, I was definitely interested
1795, 1222, 1045, 991, 157
766, 561, 480, 424, 93

These graphs reflect only undergraduates attending 4-year colleges who are of normative age -- 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22, +/- 1, for freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and later undergraduates, respectively. Solid lines represent women. Dotted lines represent men.

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