By Column: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

Alphabetically: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

where.ended (in Hookups)

Variable Summary Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Casual-sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

When you hooked up, where did you go?

The same question also applies to the variable, where.ended.specify.

hookups (where_ended or hookup__where_ended)
 All RsFemaleMale
Nowhere - we hooked up at a social event in plain sight 1939 13.27% 1303 13.26% 625 13.23%
My room 4406 30.16% 2511 25.55% 1878 39.75%
The other person's room 5122 35.06% 3897 39.65% 1206 25.53%
In a private room somewhere else 1705 11.67% 1111 11.30% 591 12.51%
Other 1438 9.84% 1007 10.25% 424 8.98%
Missing 139
Total 14749 100% 9919 100% 4771 100%

Nowhere - we hooked up at a social event in plain sight        My room        The other person's room        In a private room somewhere else        Other
2715, 1979, 1674, 1640, 264
1184, 918, 789, 709, 169
Nowhere - we hooked up at a social event in plain sight        My room        The other person's room        In a private room somewhere else        Other
2072, 1397, 1173, 1113, 169
916, 633, 539, 476, 107

These graphs reflect only undergraduates attending 4-year colleges who are of normative age -- 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22, +/- 1, for freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and later undergraduates, respectively. Solid lines represent women. Dotted lines represent men.

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Next column: where.ended.specify

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Next alphabetically: where.ended.specify