By Column: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

Alphabetically: Everything | Demographics | Sexual History | Attitudes | Relationships | Dating | Hookups

talking.after.was.awkward (in Hookups)

Variable Summary Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Casual-sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

Was talking to them since the hookup awkward?

hookups (talking_after_was_awkward or h__t_a_w_a)
 All RsFemaleMale
Yes, it was awkward 900 7.95% 612 7.95% 284 7.93%
It was somewhat awkward at first, but not anymore 2843 25.12% 1894 24.60% 937 26.17%
No, it wasn't awkward 7574 66.93% 5192 67.45% 2359 65.89%
Missing 3432
Total 14749 100% 9919 100% 4771 100%

Yes, it was awkward        It was somewhat awkward at first, but not anymore        No, it wasn't awkward
2046, 1513, 1354, 1330, 224
866, 704, 610, 550, 126
Yes, it was awkward        It was somewhat awkward at first, but not anymore        No, it wasn't awkward
1561, 1067, 954, 908, 142
667, 480, 420, 380, 80

These graphs reflect only undergraduates attending 4-year colleges who are of normative age -- 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22, +/- 1, for freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and later undergraduates, respectively. Solid lines represent women. Dotted lines represent men.

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