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knew.partner (in Hookups)

Variable Summary Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
Casual-sexually active students: Undergrad Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior

How well did you know the person you hooked up with before you hooked up?

The same question also applies to the variable,

This variable, knew.partner, is used in the construction of the variable,

hookups (knew_partner or hookup__knew_partner)
 All RsFemaleMale
Very well 3326 22.59% 2447 24.70% 864 18.15%
Moderately well 3492 23.72% 2434 24.57% 1042 21.89%
Somewhat 3050 20.71% 2074 20.94% 968 20.33%
A little bit 2942 19.98% 1817 18.34% 1116 23.44%
Not at all 1914 13.00% 1133 11.44% 771 16.19%
Missing 25
Total 14749 100% 9919 100% 4771 100%

Very well        Moderately well        Somewhat        A little bit        Not at all
2733, 1995, 1683, 1654, 267
1192, 928, 795, 714, 169
Very well        Moderately well        Somewhat        A little bit        Not at all
2083, 1410, 1176, 1123, 170
922, 637, 541, 480, 107

These graphs reflect only undergraduates attending 4-year colleges who are of normative age -- 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22, +/- 1, for freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and later undergraduates, respectively. Solid lines represent women. Dotted lines represent men.

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