This is a list of useful publications by social scientists that can help you make sense of the social issues we are exploring. The books listed here are in the collection at Bobst library. The articles should be available in their normal locations, but many are now available on line as well (particularly through JStor). Do not restrict yourself to the list. Because these are major social issues, many valuable publications exist beyond this list, but it should give you a good start. Also, please note that this list purposely omits works published in recent years.
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Capital Punishment References
History of Capital Punishment (Crimes to which applied, frequency of use, means of carrying out, public understandings of)Bohn, Robert M. 1992. "Toward an Understanding of Deat Penalty Opinion Change in the United States: The Pivotal Years, 1966 and 1967." Humanity and Society 16(4) Nov: 524-542.
Bowers, William J. 1984. Legal Homicide: Death as Punishment in America, 1864-1982. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
? Gorecki, Jan. 1983. Capital Punishment: Criminal Law and Social Evolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
International Comparisons of Capital Punishment
(No death penalty in Europe; be careful with any international comparisons, can be very inaccurate.)
Hood, Roger G. 1990. The Death Penalty: A World-Wide Persepctive. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
International Comparisons of Crime and Imprisonment
R.Y. Thornton and K. Endo. 1992. Preventing Crime in American and Japan: A Comparative Study. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Studies of Effectiveness for Deterrence
Bailey, William C. and Ruth D. Peterson. 1994. "Murder, Capital Punishment, and Deterrence: A Review of the Evidence and an Examination of Police Killings." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 53-74.
? Bailey, William C. and Ronald W. Smith. 1972. "Punishment: Its Severity and Certainty." Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science 63(4) Dec: 530-539.
Blumstein, Al. (See Criminology in last 5 years.
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1975. "Research on Capital Punishment." Yale Law Journal Vol 85?
Ehrlich, Isaac. 1975. "The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death." The American Economic Review Vol 65 (3): 397-417.
McGahey, Richard M. 1980. "Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet: Eocnomic Theory, Econometrics, and the Death Penalty." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 485-502.
Tullock, Gordon. 1974. "Does Punishment Deter Crime?" Public Interest 36 Sum: 103-111.
Public Opinion toward the Death Penalty; Studies Showing Who Supports and Who Opposes Death Penalty
Applegate, Brandon K., John P. Wright, et. al. 1994. "Victim-Offender Race and Support for Capital Punishment: A Factorial Design Approach." American Journal of Criminal Justice 18(1): 95-115.
Barkan, Steven B. and Steven F. Cohn. 1994. "Racial Prejudice and Support for the Death Penalty be Whites." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 31(2) May: 202-209.
Bowers, William J. 1993. "Cpaital Punishment and Contemporary Values: People's Misgivings and the Court's Misperceptions." Law and Society Review 27(1): 157-175.
Ellsworth, Phoebe C. and Samuel R. Gross. 1994. "Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 19-52.
Haines, Herb. 1992. "Flawed Executions, the Anti-Death Penalty Movement, and the Politics of Capital Punishment." Social Problems 39(2): 125-138.
Johnson, Stephen D. and Joseph B. Tamney. 1988. "Factors Related to Inconsistent Life-Views." Review of Religious Research 30(1) Sept: 40-46.
Sandys, Marla and Edmund F. McGarrell. 1995. "Attitudes toward Capital Punishment: Preference for the Penalty or Mere Acceptance." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 32(2) May 191-213.
Smith, Dwayne M. and James Wright. 1992. "Capital Punishment and Public Opinion on the Post-Furman Era: Trends and Analyses." Sociological Spectrum 12(2) Apr-June: 127-144.
Tygart, C.E. 1994. "Respondents' 'Free Will' View of Criminal behavior and Support for Capital Punishment." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 6(4) Winter: 371-374.
Young, Robert L. 1992. "Religious Orientation, Race, and Support for the Death Penalty." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31(1) Mar: 76-87.
Economics of Capital Punishment
Author? The Real War on Crime.
Howe, Sam Verhovek. "Across the U.S., Executions Are Neither Swift Nor Cheap." The New York Times. Feb 22, 1995.
Inciardi, James. Criminal Justice
Statistical Overviews (Kinds of people put to death, death penalty by state and region)
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1980. "Arbitrariness and Discrimination under Post-Furman Capital Statutes." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 563-635.
Eckholm, Erik. "Studies Find Death Penalty Tied to Race of the Victims." The New York Times. Feb 24, 1995.
Lewin, Tamar. "Who Decides Who Will Die? Even Within States, It Varies." The New York Times Feb 23, 1995.
U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin. 1994. Capital Punishment 1994. Washington D.C.
Capital Punishment References
History of Capital Punishment (Crimes to which applied, frequency of use, means of carrying out, public understandings of)Bohn, Robert M. 1992. "Toward an Understanding of Deat Penalty Opinion Change in the United States: The Pivotal Years, 1966 and 1967." Humanity and Society 16(4) Nov: 524-542.
Bowers, William J. 1984. . Boston: Northeastern University Press.
? Gorecki, Jan. 1983. Capital Punishment: Criminal Law and Social Evolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
International Comparisons of Capital Punishment
(No death penalty in Europe; be careful with any international comparisons, can be very inaccurate.)
Hood, Roger G. 1990. The Death Penalty: A World-Wide Persepctive. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
International Comparisons of Crime and Imprisonment
R.Y. Thornton and K. Endo. 1992. Preventing Crime in American and Japan: A Comparative Study. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Studies of Effectiveness for Deterrence
Bailey, William C. and Ruth D. Peterson. 1994. "Murder, Capital Punishment, and Deterrence: A Review of the Evidence and an Examination of Police Killings." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 53-74.
? Bailey, William C. and Ronald W. Smith. 1972. "Punishment: Its Severity and Certainty." Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science 63(4) Dec: 530-539.
Blumstein, Al. (See Criminology in last 5 years.
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1975. "Research on Capital Punishment." Yale Law Journal Vol 85?
Ehrlich, Isaac. 1975. "The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death." The American Economic Review Vol 65 (3): 397-417.
McGahey, Richard M. 1980. "Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet: Eocnomic Theory, Econometrics, and the Death Penalty." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 485-502.
Tullock, Gordon. 1974. "Does Punishment Deter Crime?" Public Interest 36 Sum: 103-111.
Public Opinion toward the Death Penalty; Studies Showing Who Supports and Who Opposes Death Penalty
Applegate, Brandon K., John P. Wright, et. al. 1994. "Victim-Offender Race and Support for Capital Punishment: A Factorial Design Approach." American Journal of Criminal Justice 18(1): 95-115.
Barkan, Steven B. and Steven F. Cohn. 1994. "Racial Prejudice and Support for the Death Penalty be Whites." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 31(2) May: 202-209.
Bowers, William J. 1993. "Cpaital Punishment and Contemporary Values: People's Misgivings and the Court's Misperceptions." Law and Society Review 27(1): 157-175.
Ellsworth, Phoebe C. and Samuel R. Gross. 1994. "Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 19-52.
Haines, Herb. 1992. "Flawed Executions, the Anti-Death Penalty Movement, and the Politics of Capital Punishment." Social Problems 39(2): 125-138.
Johnson, Stephen D. and Joseph B. Tamney. 1988. "Factors Related to Inconsistent Life-Views." Review of Religious Research 30(1) Sept: 40-46.
Sandys, Marla and Edmund F. McGarrell. 1995. "Attitudes toward Capital Punishment: Preference for the Penalty or Mere Acceptance." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 32(2) May 191-213.
Smith, Dwayne M. and James Wright. 1992. "Capital Punishment and Public Opinion on the Post-Furman Era: Trends and Analyses." Sociological Spectrum 12(2) Apr-June: 127-144.
Tygart, C.E. 1994. "Respondents' 'Free Will' View of Criminal behavior and Support for Capital Punishment." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 6(4) Winter: 371-374.
Young, Robert L. 1992. "Religious Orientation, Race, and Support for the Death Penalty." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31(1) Mar: 76-87.
Economics of Capital Punishment
Author? The Real War on Crime.
Howe, Sam Verhovek. "Across the U.S., Executions Are Neither Swift Nor Cheap." The New York Times. Feb 22, 1995.
Inciardi, James. Criminal Justice
Statistical Overviews (Kinds of people put to death, death penalty by state and region)
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1980. "Arbitrariness and Discrimination under Post-Furman Capital Statutes." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 563-635.
Eckholm, Erik. "Studies Find Death Penalty Tied to Race of the Victims." The New York Times. Feb 24, 1995.
Lewin, Tamar. "Who Decides Who Will Die? Even Within States, It Varies." The New York Times Feb 23, 1995.
U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin. 1994. Capital Punishment 1994. Washington D.C.
Capital Punishment References
History of Capital Punishment (Crimes to which applied, frequency of use, means of carrying out, public understandings of)Bohn, Robert M. 1992. "Toward an Understanding of Deat Penalty Opinion Change in the United States: The Pivotal Years, 1966 and 1967." Humanity and Society 16(4) Nov: 524-542.
Bowers, William J. 1984. Legal Homicide: Death as Punishment in America, 1864-1982. Boston: Northeastern University Press.
? Gorecki, Jan. 1983. Capital Punishment: Criminal Law and Social Evolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
International Comparisons of Capital Punishment
(No death penalty in Europe; be careful with any international comparisons, can be very inaccurate.)
Hood, Roger G. 1990. The Death Penalty: A World-Wide Persepctive. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
International Comparisons of Crime and Imprisonment
R.Y. Thornton and K. Endo. 1992. Preventing Crime in American and Japan: A Comparative Study. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
Studies of Effectiveness for Deterrence
Bailey, William C. and Ruth D. Peterson. 1994. "Murder, Capital Punishment, and Deterrence: A Review of the Evidence and an Examination of Police Killings." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 53-74.
? Bailey, William C. and Ronald W. Smith. 1972. "Punishment: Its Severity and Certainty." Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science 63(4) Dec: 530-539.
Blumstein, Al. (See Criminology in last 5 years.
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1975. "Research on Capital Punishment." Yale Law Journal Vol 85?
Ehrlich, Isaac. 1975. "The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: A Question of Life and Death." The American Economic Review Vol 65 (3): 397-417.
McGahey, Richard M. 1980. "Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet: Eocnomic Theory, Econometrics, and the Death Penalty." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 485-502.
Tullock, Gordon. 1974. "Does Punishment Deter Crime?" Public Interest 36 Sum: 103-111.
Public Opinion toward the Death Penalty; Studies Showing Who Supports and Who Opposes Death Penalty
Applegate, Brandon K., John P. Wright, et. al. 1994. "Victim-Offender Race and Support for Capital Punishment: A Factorial Design Approach." American Journal of Criminal Justice 18(1): 95-115.
Barkan, Steven B. and Steven F. Cohn. 1994. "Racial Prejudice and Support for the Death Penalty be Whites." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 31(2) May: 202-209.
Bowers, William J. 1993. "Cpaital Punishment and Contemporary Values: People's Misgivings and the Court's Misperceptions." Law and Society Review 27(1): 157-175.
Ellsworth, Phoebe C. and Samuel R. Gross. 1994. "Hardening of the Attitudes: Americans' Views on the Death Penalty." Journal of Social Issues 50(2) Summer: 19-52.
Haines, Herb. 1992. "Flawed Executions, the Anti-Death Penalty Movement, and the Politics of Capital Punishment." Social Problems 39(2): 125-138.
Johnson, Stephen D. and Joseph B. Tamney. 1988. "Factors Related to Inconsistent Life-Views." Review of Religious Research 30(1) Sept: 40-46.
Sandys, Marla and Edmund F. McGarrell. 1995. "Attitudes toward Capital Punishment: Preference for the Penalty or Mere Acceptance." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 32(2) May 191-213.
Smith, Dwayne M. and James Wright. 1992. "Capital Punishment and Public Opinion on the Post-Furman Era: Trends and Analyses." Sociological Spectrum 12(2) Apr-June: 127-144.
Tygart, C.E. 1994. "Respondents' 'Free Will' View of Criminal behavior and Support for Capital Punishment." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 6(4) Winter: 371-374.
Young, Robert L. 1992. "Religious Orientation, Race, and Support for the Death Penalty." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 31(1) Mar: 76-87.
Economics of Capital Punishment
Author? The Real War on Crime.
Howe, Sam Verhovek. "Across the U.S., Executions Are Neither Swift Nor Cheap." The New York Times. Feb 22, 1995.
Inciardi, James. Criminal Justice
Statistical Overviews (Kinds of people put to death, death penalty by state and region)
Bowers, William J. and Glenn L. Pierce. 1980. "Arbitrariness and Discrimination under Post-Furman Capital Statutes." Crime and Delinquency 26(4) Oct: 563-635.
Eckholm, Erik. "Studies Find Death Penalty Tied to Race of the Victims." The New York Times. Feb 24, 1995.
Lewin, Tamar. "Who Decides Who Will Die? Even Within States, It Varies." The New York Times Feb 23, 1995.
U.S. Department of Justice. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin. 1994. Capital Punishment 1994. Washington D.C.
Welfare References
History of ADC/AFDC, American "Welfare" (welfare legislation and policy, spending and levels of support)Abramovitz, Mimi. 1988. Regulating the Lives of Women: Social Welfare Policy from Colonial Times to the Present. Boston: South End Press.
Bell, Winifred. 1965. Aid to Dependent Children. New York: Columbia University Press.
Berkowitz, Edward D. 1991. America's Welfare State: From Roosevelt to Reagan. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Brown, Josephine C. 1940. Public Relief, 1929-1939. New York: Holt and Co.
Cauthen, Nancy K. and Edwin Amenta. 1996. "Not for Widows Only: Institutional Politics and the Formative Years of Aid to Dependent Children." American Sociological Review 61: 427-448.
Gordon, Linda. Pitied But Not Entitled: Single Mothers and the History of Welfare, 1890-1935. New York: The Free Press.
Katz, Michael B. 1989. The Undeserving Poor. New York: Pantheon Books.
Mink, Gwendolyn. 1990. "The Lady and the Tramp: Gender, Race, and the Origins of the American Welfare State." in Linda Gordon, ed., Women, the State, and Welfare. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.
Alternative "welfare" systems in other countries
Esping-Andersen, Gosta. 1990. The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Heclo, Hugh. 1974. Modern Social Politics in Britain and Sweden: From Relief to Income Maintenance. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Kamerman, Sheila B. 1984. "Women, Children, and Poverty: Public Policies and Female-Headed Families in Industrialized Countries." Signs 10: 249-72.
Studies showing who supports/opposes welfare spending
Garin, Geoffrey, Guy Molyneux and Linda DiVall. 1994. "Public Attitudes toward Welfare Reform." Social Policy 25(2): 44-49.
Hasenfeld, Yeheskel and Jane A. Rafferty. 1989. "The Determinants of Public Attitudes Toward the Welfare State." Social Forces 67(4): 1027-1048.
Kluegel, James R. 1987. "Macro-economic Problems, Beliefs about the Poor and Attitudes Toward Welfare Spending." Social Problems 34(1): 82-99.
Shapiro, Robert Y. and John T. Young. 1990. "Public Opinion toward Social Welfare Policies: The United States in Comparative Perspective." Research in Micropolitics : 143-186.
Taylor-Gooby, Peter. 1985. Public Opinion, Ideology and State Welfare. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
---------. 1987. "Welfare Attitudes: Cleavage, Consensus and Citizenship." Quarterly Journal of Social Affairs 3(3): 199-211.
Studies showing effects of welfare levels and availability on childbearing of unwed mothers; Studies documenting how much noncustodial fathers contribute to childrearing costs
Amott, Teresa L. 1990. "Black Women and AFCD: Making Entitlement Out of Necessity" in Linda Gordon, ed., Women, the State and Welfare. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Ellwood, David T. 1988. Poor Support: Poverty in the American Family. Basic Books.
Elwood, David T. and Mary Jo Bane. 1985. "The Impact of AFDC on Family Structure and Living Arrangements." Research in Labor Economics 7: 137-207.
Garfinkel, Irwin and Sara McLanahan. 1986. Single Mothers and Their Children. Washington D.C.: The Urban Institute.
Historical overviews of income inequality and wealth inequality
*Crenshaw, Edward M. 1993. "Polity, Economy, and Technoecology: Alternative Explanations for Income Inequality." Social Forces 71(3): 807-816.
Kolko, Gabriel. 1962. Wealth and Power in America: An Analysis of Social Class and Income Distribution. New York.
*Maxwell, Nan L. 1989. "Demographic and Economic Determinants of United States Income Inequality." Social Science Quarterly 70(2): 245-264.
*Shammas, Carole. 1993. "A New Look at Long-Term Trends in Wealth Inequality in the United States." American Historical Review April: 412-432.
Simpson, Miles. 1993. "Political Power versus Ecological Evolutionary Forces: What Are the Proximal Sources of Income Distribution?" Social Forces 71(3): 797-805.
*Skvoretz, John and Shelley A. Smith. 1990. "Changing Rewards Structures and Population Distributions: An Aggregate Analysis of Earnings Inequalities in the 1980s." Social Science Research 19: 372-298.
Williamson, Jeffrey G. 1980. American Inequality: A Macroeconomic History. New York: Academic Press.
International Comparisons of income and wealth inequality
*Crenshaw, Edward. 1992. "Cross-National Determinants of Income Inequality: A Replication and Extension Using Ecological-Evolutionary Theory." Social Forces 71((2): 339-363.
*Fritzell, John. 1993. "Income Inequality Trends in the 1980s: A Five-Country Comparison." Acta Sociologica 36: 47-62.
*Green, Gordon, John Coder, and Pual Ryscavage. 1992. "International Comparisons of Earning Inequality for Men in the 1980s." Review of Income and Wealth 38(1): 1-15.
Hoover, Greg A. 1989. "Intranational Inequality: A Cross-National Dataset." Social Forces 67: 1008-26.
O'Higgins, M., G. Schmaus and G. Stephenson. 1989. "Income Distribution and Redistribution: A Micro-Data Analysis for Seven Countries." The Review of Income and Wealth 35(2): 107-131.
Simpson, Miles. 1990. "Political Rights and Income Inequality: A Cross-National Test." American Sociological Review 55: 682-93.
Review of historical race composition of the poor, recipients of welfare
Carnoy, Martin. 1994. Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America. Cambridge University Press.
Massey, Douglas S. and Denton. 1993. American Apartheid. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Farley, Reynolds and Walter Wallen. 1987. The Color Line and the Quality of Life in America. New York: Russell Sage.
Institute for Women's Policy Research. 1995. "Few Welfare Moms Fit the Stereotypes." in Welfare That Works: The Working Lives of AFDC Recipients. Washington D.C.
Mare, Robert and Christopher Winship. 1984. "The Paradox of Lessening Racial Inequality and Joblessness among Black Youth: Enrollment, Enlistment, and Employment, 1964-81." American Sociological Review 49: 39-55.
Massey, Douglas and Mitchell Eggers. 1990. "The Ecology of Inequality: Minorities and the Concentration of Poverty." American Journal of Sociology 95: 1153-1188.
Recent review of the literature, particularly the research literature on the culture of poverty
Jencks, Christopher. 1992. Rethinking Social Policy: Race, Poverty, and the Underclass. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Murray, Charles. 1984. Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980. New York: Basic Books.
Sowell, Thomas. 1981. Markets and Minorities. New York: Basic Books.
Wilson, William Julius. 1987. The Truly Disadvantaged. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Review of the issues considered critical by Economists
Danziger, Sheldon, Robert Haveman, and Robert Plotnick. 1981. "How Income Transfers Affect Work, Savings, and the Income Distribution: A Critical Review." Journal of Economic Literature 19: 975-1028.
Levy, F. and R.J. Murnane. 199_. "Earnings Levels and Earnings Inequality: A Review of Recent Trends and Proposed Explanations." Journal of Economic Literature
Abortion References
History of Abortion as a Public Issue
Brodie, Janet Farrell. 1994. Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Chafetz, Janet and Helen Fuchs Ebaugh. 1983. "Growing Conservatism in the United States? An Examination of Trends in Political Opinion between 1972 and 1980." Sociological Perspectives 26(3) July: 275-298.
Critchlow, Donald T. The Politics of Abortion and Birth Control in Historical Perspective. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996.
Mohr, James C. 1978. Abortion in America: The Origins and Evolution of National Policy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Petchesky, Rosalind. 1990. Abortion and Women's Choice. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press.
Reagan, Leslie J. 1997. When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States, 1867-1973. University of California Press.
Solinger, Rickie (ed.) Abortion Wars: a Half Century of Struggle, 1950-2000. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California Press, 1998
Tribe, Lawrence. 1990. Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes. New York: Norton.
Wetstein, Matthew E., Abortion Rates in the United States: the Influence of Opinion and Policy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Wlezien, Christopher B. and Malcolm L. Goggin. 1993. "The Courts, Interest Groups, and Public Opinion about Abortion." Political Behavior 15(4) Dec: 381-405.
International Comparison of Abortion Policies
Brooks, Joel E. 1992. "Abortion Policy in Western Democracies: A Cross-National Analysis." Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration 5: 342-57.
Githens, Marianne and Dorothy McBride Stetson (eds). Abortion Politics: Public Policy in Cross-cultural Perspective. New York: Routledge, 1996.
Henshaw, Stanley K. 1990. "Induced Abortion: A World Review, 1990." Family Planning Perspectives 22:76-89.
Henshaw, Stanley K. "Abortion incidence and services in the United States, 1995-1996." Family Planning Perspectives 30 (1998): 263-270.
Hoff, Joan. 1994. "Comparative Analysis of Abortion in Ireland, Poland, and the United States." Women's Studies International Forum 17(6) Nov-Dec: 621-646.
Jelen, Ted G. and Marthe A. Chandler. 1994. Abortion Politics in the United States and Canada. Greenwood Press.
Nevitte, Neil, William P. Brandon, and Lori Davis. 1993. "The American Abortion Controversy: Lessons from Cross-National Evidence." Politics and the Life Sciences 12(1) Feb: 19-30.
Tatalovich, Raymond. The Politics of Abortion in the United States and Canada: a Comparative Study. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1997.
Wasserman, Ira. 1983. "A Cross-National Comparison of Contraception and Abortion Laws." Social Indicators Research 13(3) Oct: 281-309.
Statistics on Abortion
Henry, Norah and Milton Harvey. 1982. "Social, Spatial and Political Determinants of U.S. Abortion Rates." Social Science and Medicine 16(9): 987-996.
Mathewes-Green, Frederica. 1995. "Embryonic Trend: How Do We Explain the Drop in Abortions?" Policy Review 73 Summer: 55-58.
Medoff, Marshall H. 1988. "An Economic Analysis of the Demand for Abortions." Economic Inquiry 26: 353-59.
Richards, James M., Jr. 1984. "Ecology of Abortions in the United States since 1973: A Replication and Extension." Population and Environment 7(3): 137-151.
(-- age, marital status, reasonsstate, region)
Humphries, Jane. 1980. "The Socio-Economic Determinants of Recourse to Legal Abortion." Women's Studies International Quarterly 3(4): 377-393.
Henshaw, Stanley K., Lisa M. Koonin and Jack C. Smith. 1991. "Characteristics of U.S. Women Having Abortions, 1987." Family Planning Perspectives 23(2): 75-81.
Trent, Katherine and Eve Powell-Griner. 1991. "Differences in Race, Marital Status, and Education among Women Obtaining Abortions." Social Forces 69: 1121-41.
Studies of Support and Opposition to Abortion
Adams, Greg D. "Abortion: Evidence of an Issue Evolution." American Journal of Political Science 41, No. 3. (Jul., 1997):718-737.
Betzig, Laura and Leslie Lombardo. 1992. "Who's Pro-Choice and Why?" Ethology and Sociobiology 13(1) Jan: 49-71.
Blake, Judith. 1971. "Abortion and Public Opinion, 1960-1970." Science 171: 540-49.
Blanchard, Dallas A. The Anti-abortion Movement: References and Resources. New York: Prentice Hall International, 1996.
Condit, Celeste M. 1990. Decoding Abortion Rhetoric: Communicating Social Change. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.
Dugger, Karen. 1991. "Race Differences in the Determinants of Support for Legalized Abortion." Social Science Quarterly 72(3) Sept: 570-587.
Luker, Kristen. 1984. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood. Berkeley: University of California Press.
O'Connor, Karen. No Neutral Ground?: Abortion Politics in an Age of Absolutes. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1996.
Staggenborg, Suzanne. 1991. The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict. New York: Oxford University Press.
---------------. 1995. "The Survival of the Pro-Choice Movement." Journal of Policy History 7(1): 160-176.
Wilcox, Clyde. 1990. "Race Differences in Abortion Attitudes: Some Additional Evidence." Public Opinion Quarterly 54(2) Summer: 248-255.
Relationship of Abortion Attitudes to Other Political and Social Attitudes
Abramowitz, Alan I. "It's Abortion, Stupid: Policy Voting in the 1992 Presidential Election." The Journal of Politics 57, No. 1. (Feb., 1995): 176-186.
Baker, Ross K., Laurily K. Epstein, and Rodney D. Forth. 1981. "Matters of Life and Death: Social, Political and Religious Correlates of Attitudes about Abortion." American Politics Quarterly 9: 89-102.
Claggett, William J. and Byron E. Shafer. 1991. "Life and Death as Public Policy: Capital Punishment and Abortion in American Political Opinion." International Journal of Public Opinion Research 3(1) Spring: 32-52.
Durham, Martin. 1986. "Class, Conservatism and the Anti-Abortion Movement: A Review Essay." Berkeley Journal of Sociology 31: 167-81.
Figeuira-McDonough, Josefina. 1989. "Men and Women as Interest Groups in the Abortion Debate in the United States." Women's Studies International Forum 12(5): 539-550.
Ginsberg, Faye D. 1989. Contested Lives: The Abortion Debate in an American Community. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Granberg, Donald. 1978. "Pro-Life or Reflection of Conservative Ideology? An Analysis of Opposition to Legalized Abortion." Sociology and Social Research 62(3) Apr: 414-429.
Jelen, Ted G. 1988. "Changes in the Attitudinal Correlations of Opposition to Abortion, 7- June: 211-228.
Johnson, Stephen and Joseph Tamney. 1988. "Factors Related to Inconsistent Life Views." Review of Religious Research 30(1) Sept: 40-46.
Scott, Jacqueline and Howard Schuman. 1988. "Attitude Strength and Social Action in the Abortion Dispute." American Sociological Review 53(5): 785-793.
Affirmative Action References
History of Affirmative Action Policies in U.S.Bell, Derrick. 1987. And We Are Not Saved: The Elusive Quest for Racial Justice. Basic Books.
Benokraitis, Nijole V. and Joe R. Feagin. 1978. Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity: Action, Inaction, Reaction. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Freeman, Alan. 1990. "Antidiscrimination Law: The View From 1989." in David Kairys, ed., The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique. New York: Pantheon.
Graham, Hugh Davis. 1994. "Race, History, and Policy: African Americans and Civil Rights since 1964." Journal of Policy History 6(1): 12-39.
Weatherspoon, Floyd D. 1985. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action. New York: Garland.
History of Legal and Administrative Precursors to Affirmative Action (earlier laws and policies prohibiting discrimination by race, religion, or sex -- equal pay, equal treatment under law, equal voting, military policy, war-time policies)
Burns, Haywood. 1990. "Law and Race in Early America." in David Kairys, ed., The Politics of Law: A Progressive Critique. New York: Pantheon Books.
Burstein, Paul. 1985. Discrimination, Jobs, and Politics: The Struggle for Equal Opportunity in the U.S. Since the New Deal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Halpern, Stephen C. 1995. On the Limits of the Law: The Ironic Legacy of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Nathan, Richard P. 1969. Jobs and Civil Rights: The Role of the Federal Government in Promoting Equal Opportunity. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.
Experiments with policies resembling affirmative action in other nations
Banton, Michael. 1991. "International Action against Racial Discrimination: A Briefing Paper." Ethnic and Racial Studies 14(4): 544-556.
Costa-Lascoux, Jacqueline. 1994. "French Legislation against Racism and Discrimination." New Community 20(3): 437-453.
Horwitz, Frank M. et. al. 1995. "Employment Equity, Human Resource Development, and Institution Building in South Africa." International Journal of Human Resource Management 6(3): 671-685.
Rodrigues, Peter R. 1994. "Racial Discrimination and the Law in the Netherlands." New Community 20(3): 437-453.
Wilkie, Meredith. 1994. "Multi-Culturalism and Anti-Discrimination Law in Australia." New Community 20(3): 437-453.
Overview of empirical research on discrimination (by race and by sex; economic, legal, political, and social; historical patterns)
Carnoy, Martin. 1994. Faded Dreams: The Politics and Economics of Race in America. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Feagin, Joe R. 1991. "The Continuing Significance of Race: Anti-Black Discrimination in c 56: 101-116.
Jencks, Christopher. 1993. "Affirmative Action" in Rethinking Social Policy: Race, Poverty, and the Underclass. New York: Harper.
Kirschenman, Joleen and Kathryn Neckerman. 1991. "'We'd Love to Hire Them, But...': The Meaning of Race to Employers" in C. Jencks and Paul Peterson, eds., The Urban Underclass. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.
Massey, Douglas and Nancy Denton. 1993. American Apartheid. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Riedesel, Paul L. and Albert Szymanksi. 1979. "Racial Discrimination and White Economic Benefits." Social Science Quarterly 60(1): 120-129.
Warren, Mark R. 1995. "Racism and the Underclass." Research in Race and Ethnic Relations 8: 77-97.
Williams, Patricia. 1991. The Alchemy of Race and Rights. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Wilson, William Julius. 1978. The Declining Significance of Race. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
International comparisons on presence of ethnic/racial and sex discrimination
Duckitt, John. 1988. "Normative Conformity and Racial Prejudice in South Africa." Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs 114(4): 415-437.
Kinloch, Graham C. 1973. "Race, Socio-Economic Status and Social Distance in Hawaii." Sociology and Social Research 57(2): 156-167.
McAllister, Ian and Rhonda Moore. 1991. "Social Distance among Australian Ethnic Groups." Sociology and Social Research 75(2): 95-100.
Studies showing who supports/opposes affirmative action; changes over time?
Costantini, Edmond and Joel King. 1985. "Affirmative Action: The Configuration, Concomitants, and Antecedents of Student Opinion." Youth and Society 16(4): 499-525.
Doverspike, Dennis and Winifred Arthur, Jr. 1995. "Race and Sex Differences in Reactions to a Simulated Selection Decision Involving Race-Based Affirmative Action." Journal of Black Psychology 21(2): 181-200.
Fine, Terri Susan. 1992. "The Impact of Issue Framing on Public Opinion: Toward Affirmative Action Programs." Social Science Journal 29(3): 323-334.
Fletcher, Joseph F. and Marie Christine. 1991. "Attitudes of Canadians toward Affirmative Action: Opposition, Value Pluralism, and Nonattitudes." Political Behavior 13(1): 67-95.
Gamson, William A. and andre Modigliani. 1987. "The Changing Culture of Affirmative Action." Research in Political Sociology 3: 137-177.
Herring, Cedric and Sharon M. Collins. 1995. "Retreat from Equal Opportunity: The Case of Affirmative Action" in Michael Peter Smith and Joe R. Feagin, eds., The Bubbling Cauldron. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Jacobson, Cardell K. 1983. "Black Support for Affirmative Action Programs." Phylon 44(4): 299-311.
Kinder, Donald R. and Lynn M. Sanders. 1990. "Mimicking Political Debate with Survey Questions: The Case of White Opinion on Affirmative Action." Social Cognition (1): 73-103.
Lopez, Gretchen E. et. al. 1995. "Beyond Zero-Sum Diversity: Student Support for Educational Equity." Educational Record 76(2-3): 55-62.
Lynch, Frederick R. and William Beer. 1990. "'You Ain't the Right Color, Pal': White Resentment of Affirmative Action." Policy Review 51: 64-67.
Peterson, Randall S. 1994. "The Role of Values in Predicting Fairness Judgments and Support of Affirmative Action." Journal of Social Issues 50(4): 95-115.
Tougas, Francine and Ann M. Beaton. 1992. "Women's Views on Affirmative Action: A New Look at Preferential Treatment." Social Justice Research 5(3): 239-248.
Studies showing the distribution of racial and sex prejudice in the population
Carmines, Edward G. and Richard A. Champagne, Jr. 1990. "The Changing Content of American Racial Attitudes." Research in Micropolitics 3: 187-208.
Kinder, Donald R. and Tali Mendelberg. 1995. "Crack in American Apartheid: The Political Impact of Prejudice among Desegregated Whites." Journal of Politics 57(2): 402-424.
Kleinpenning, Gerard and Louk Hagendoorn. 1993. "Forms of Racism and the Cumulative Dimension of Ethnic Attitudes." Social Psychology Quarterly 56(1): 21-36.
Sorensen, Jesper B. 1990. "Perceptions of Women's Opportunity in Five Industrialized Nations." European Sociological Review 6(2): 151-164.
Economists' Perspectives on Affirmative Action and Discrimination
Leonard, Jonathan. 1984. "The Impact of Affirmative Action on Employment." Journal of Labor Economics 2: 439-463.
----------. 1984. "Employment and Occupational Advance Under Affirmative Action." Review of Economics and Statistics 66: 377-385.
Phelps, Edmund. 1972. "The Statistical Theory of Racism and Sexism." American Economic Review 62: 659-661.
Smith, James P. and Finis Welch. 1984. "Affirmative Action and Labor Markets." Journal of Labor Economics 2: 269-99.
Smith, James P. and Finis Welch. 1989. "Black Economic Progress After Myrdal." Journal of Economic Literature 27: 519-564.
Sowell, Thomas. 1981. Markets and Minorities. New York: Basic Books
---------. 1981. Ethnic America. New York: Basic Books.