Love And The Birth Of A Sun

A River you are running through my Virginal Soul. And ever

onward you flow as the breath and sounds of matter open the firmament

of my body with vibrations of your mighty purpose.

Heaven's tears come spilling forth the essence of this glorious heat spawned

two passions roused and raised into a Brilliant Sun, the fire of desire.

Then Love comes unexpectedly. It is a wordless whisper on the breath of

Avalon, the soft edge of a sigh, or the overwhelming sensation of a gaffaw.

Carried on the swell of a Zephyr, love will find you in the stillness of a

silent answer. Let her move through you. Let love orchestrate the passion

conducted not in private as once thought, but in unison across the miles.

A three part harmony of Desire, Invocation and Crescendo, until such time

when all three can lie together completing the Holiest of Trinities, The Birth

Of A Sun.


--Hope Saphos DeVenuto

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