Hope Saphos DeVenuto

From the intellect of Zeus, an immense bolt of fire terrifying and mighty

strikes the vault of heaven and in pursuing its brilliance, a perilous odyssey is embarked

across an eternal threshold into a timeless age. The radiance of this flame has now parted

the firmament as a curtain or veil drawn on the first moment of its conception and instantly

the breath and sounds of matter deliver a vibration of a mighty purpose. It is here, to the east

and west that Centurions of an ancient past guard this portal of heavens home and yield there

mighty swords to usher one within, as others who have come before. The darkness present

here is full of dreadful black, so frightening, that through the cloudless void, an unseen voice

of a flute rises above the calm and into nothingness the sonance dissolves and out of a deathless

world, a light appears and fills this chamber. At once there is a feeling of serenity with the

return of the senses and an arousing awareness. Where does the light come from? It has no

beginning or end. It's as if one were to burn a candle at both ends and as it blazes from within

and without, it emits a feeling of soundness and blessings and evolves into a guiding companion

of ignorance. A divine light, yes, filled with the knowledge of a truth that soothes the soul and

humanness that is initiated into the trials of good and evil, darkness and light, humanities only

hope in achieving the goal of its promised immortality.

In the presence of this light there is an astounding reflection of legends and

portrayals of all the archetypes of man, warrior, and warioress who partook in the light and

darkness, the duality of their form. The mortal beings who originated in Sophocle's Oedipus

Rex, or any other great piece of literature, were those who tore at the boundaries of a culture

as if to escape a cage not selfishly or without thought, but according to their own ethics of

expanding the shallows of their world, were the seekers of light and truth. The light that comes

from a memory of a divine abode that follows the darkness which may at first seem strikingly

grey, is part of the process that gains a momentum of power and strength through the actions

and connections of those who can recall it and perceive it as a mystical experience deriving

from the gods. When light is viewed as a symbol, it can be regarded as a first phase of an

unformed universe which creates an endless boundary for procreation and by following it, we

can go beyond its symbolism into a metaphoric realm of unknown form, physical sensation, and

intellectual emotion. Light and darkness becomes affiliated to signify the complimentary or

ensuing qualities of an evolution. Through out the four corners of the earth light symbolizes life,

salvation and happiness granted by the gods and so it is with an individuals confrontation of

and with the acceptance of suffering, that the light becomes his liberation and means of

communication with his own instinctive truth.

In each pursuing character on or off the planetary stage, there is an individual

process of assembling the context of images and experiences of what has been acquired as

knowledge. And what has been acquired as knowledge may be truth for one, but not for

another and so by conscience, each individual for himself is bound by his own truth and by

his own light.

Continue the Journey to The Tomb of Hamlet