Lisa Wenger

Writing Workshop II

Professor Keefer

New York University

Spring Semester 1998



There is argued belief among medical practitioners that there is a great link between health problems and the body, mind and the emotions. Some practitioners bypass the western medical establishment in the way they look at health problems. Christine Northrup, author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom believes that the body, mind and emotions are not separate but one, the hormones and chemicals emitted as a result of high emotions can remain in the body which can cause illness. This research will contemplate issues of illness and the connection the mind has in being the core of the problem. Interviews will be conducted to gain insight into personal stories and their own beliefs in their healing process. Northrup continues to express her idea that the body has the ability to heal itself if we would trust it enough to do so.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a medical theory and practice that developed in reaction to the harsh procedures of conventional medicine as it was practiced more than 200 years ago. Remedies are made from many sources - including plants, minerals, or animals and are prescribed based on a person’s symptoms and personality. Homeopathologists better define homeopathy as a system of medical practice based on the principle that diseases can be cured by drugs that produce in a healthy person the same pathological effects that are symptomatic of the said illness.

This doctrine was first formulated by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Homeopaths also believe that small doses of a drug are more efficacious than large doses. Homeopathy was first introduced into the U.S. in 1825. The American Institute of Homeopathy, the national society of homeopathic physicians, was founded in 1844. Although homeopathy is greatly discounted by most physicians, it is still practiced and gaining interest as an alternative to conventional medicine.

What does personality have to do with healing?

Homeopathic medicine demands a great deal from the patient for healing. Each patient must have faith in the remedy to start healing and maintain good health. Homeopathy places considerable emphasis upon mental and emotional health. Psychological attitudes are often just as relevant as physical symptoms. Suppressing emotions can be just as damaging as suppressing inflammation or a fever. Often you hear phrases like "I’m sick of this" , "it’s a pain in the neck", or "this is one big headache". Our bodies respond to these statements and produce real symptoms to match.

Fear, anxiety, depression and nervous tension drive many people to seek relief-often in the form of tranquilizers, stimulants and sleeping pills. It is believed that these chemicals cause more problems than they solve. Commonly prescribed tranquilizers such as Valium are addictive, and only mask the underlying problems rather than solve them.

Patients seek homeopathic care because they are dissatisfied with conventional care and their chronic conditions are not managed well by conventional medicine. People seek help from conventional physicians for illnesses that they have no control over. Homeopathic patients may be able to use the power of their mind and their belief in homeopathy to seek the correction of their problematic illness. The extra time spent with the patient by the homeopathic physician may actually make them believe that they are indeed getting better. This would only work in specific situations, unlike disease that has taken over the body, such as cancer, tumors or the AIDS virus.


Physicians Using Homeopathy                     Conventional Physicians
Asthma 4.9% Hypertension 6.4%
Depression 3.5% Upper Respiratory infections 3.9%
Otitis Media 3.5% Otitis Media 3.4%
Allergic Rhinitis 3.4% Diabetes 2.9%
Headache/Migraine 3.2% Acute pharyngitis 2.6%
Neurotic Disorders 2.9% Chronic sinusitis 2.6%
Allergy-Nonspecific 2.8% Bronchitis 2.6%
Dermatitis 2.6% Sprains/Strains 1.7%
Arthritis 2.5% Back disorders 1.4%
Hypertension 2.4% Allergic rhinitis 1.4%

Research Ideas for Mind, Mental and Emotional Healthy Well Being

1. Schedule a visit with a holistic practitioner to gain insight into their methods of determining a patient's illness. Questions they ask about the problem, about my feelings or emotion when this occurs and other influences in my life that may or may not attribute to the complaint and amount of time spent during the office visit.

Example: Since I don't really have any major health problems I could explain that I have had severe discomfort in sitting still. When I do I get cramps in my inner thighs and my legs become tight and there seems to be energy in them and am unable to remain still. My ankles, calves, knees, hamstrings and lower thighs begin to ache. They ache to such an extent that I need to get up and walk around or sit and stretch on the floor but no matter how much I do, the moment I sit down they ache again.

I expect that the homeopathic practitioner will consider my home, work, school and personal atmosphere, situations and emotions will be considered to look into the core of the problem. Based on material that I've read related to home remedies and the mind, body and emotional connection, they have tried to convey the idea that perhaps because of my busy schedule, with working full time and going to school, the demands of a highly stressful work atmosphere and the large amount of responsibilities and numerous deadlines to achieve that those would be the core of the problem. Perhaps I have built up emotional stress and since I am unable to release it, this is causing the discomfort I feel in my legs.

Why would it not be a medical condition that perhaps there is poor circulation of blood in my legs, or that pantyhoes that are worn sometimes 13 hour workdays are straining the circulation?

Appointment with Homeopathic practitioner scheduled with Amalio Punzo, MD for Wednesday, April 29, 1998.

2. Interview people that currently use holistic medicine as a way to improve their golf game.

Interviewed Angelo Lopiano, PGA Golf Professional of Connecticut, Saturday, April 18, 1998. Recently experimenting with Chamomile to achieve a concentrated focus and temperament relaxation during play on the course. Result was a separation from the game. The chamomile made him so relaxed and although he did not get upset, he only continued to play worse.

3. Speak with a pharmacist to get an overview of statistics that support my theory. What natural, homeopathic oral medications are being taken and for what common illnesses. This would help me to single out what minor or major health problems people are experiencing and putting their dependency on.

Haven’t been successful in finding homeopathic pharmacies in my area but have been able to speak to regular pharmacists about most common homeopathic remedies people are using. The problem has been finding a pharmacist who has a good working knowledge of homeopathic solutions to common complaints.

4. Interview a regular medical Doctor and ask their opinion on homeopathy, if they would provide it. Do they believe in it? Have they heard any personal experiences from people who have had success with it? Would they recommend it for specific complaints of health related problems? What do they think about the connection of health with mind, body and emotional high tensions and the possibility of the correlation of high tensions which homeopathic practitioners claim to cause illness?

5. Contact Paquel Mason, author of article found on Internet, "Journey to Wellness". (Phone number was listed along with email address for questions). Paquel owns Pocketful O' Herbs in Sedona, AZ. She is a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist and has created Holographic Kinesiology for balance and integration. Holographic Kinesiology uses color and sound, along with other methods to remove energy blocks and emotional, physical and spiritual blocks that keep our body from being healthy.


Anderson, Greg. The 22 (Non-Negotiable) Laws of Wellness: Feel, Think, and Live Better Than You Ever Thought Possible.

Austin, Steve., Schuyler Lininger, Skye Lininger and Jonathan Wright (1998). The Natural Pharmacy: From the Top Experts in the Field, Your Essential Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, Minerals and Homeopathic Remedies

Bailey, Philip (1996). Homeopathic Psychology: Personality Profiles of the Major Constitutional Remedies.

Bellavite, Paolo., Andrea Signorini and Anthony Steele (1995). Homeopathy: A Frontier in Medical Science: Experimental Studies and Theoretical Foundations.

Chappell, Peter (1994). Emotional Healing With Homeopathy: A Self-Help Manual.

Coulter, Harris (1988). Divided Legacy: The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association: Science and Ethics in American Medicine 1800-1910.

Cummings M.D., Stephen and Dana Ullman, M.P.H. (1991). Everybody’s Guide to Homeopathic Medicines: Taking Care of Yourself and Your Family with Safe and Effective Remedies.

Epperly, Bruce G. and John B. Cobb. At the Edges of Life: A Holistic Vision of the Human Adventure.

Hammond, Dr. Christopher (1995). The Complete Family Guide to Homeopathy: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Safe and Effective Remedies.

Hayfield, Robin (1994). The Family Homeopath: Safe, Natural, and Effective Health Care for You and Your Children.

Jonas M.D., Wayne B., and Jennifer Jacobs, M.D., M.P.H. Healing With Homeopathy: The Natural Way to Promote Recovery and Restore Health.

Lockie, Dr. Andrew and Dr. Nicola Geddes (1995). The Complete Guide to Homeopathy: The Principles & Practice of Treatment.

Love, Eric Ph.D.,D. Hom. Inner Child and Bach Flowers.

Marti, James with Andrea Hine ( 1995). The Alternative Health & Medicine Encyclopedia: The Authoritative Guide to Holistic & Nontraditional Health Practices.

Mason, Pauqel. Article: Journey to Wellness.

McCabe, Vinton (1997). Let Like Cure Like: The Definitive Guide to the Healing Powers of Homeopathy.

Microsoft ® Encarta, Microsoft Corporation (1994). Homeopathy.

Mirman, Jacob and Carol Hamilton (1997). Demystifying Homeopathy.

Monteleone, Marianne K. Homeopathy: Answers to Some Basic Questions.

Murphy, Michael. The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of the Human Species.

Northrup, Christiane. Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom.

Richardson, Sarah (1989). Homeopathy: The Illustrated Guide Stimulating the Body’s Natural Immune System.

Rosenfeld, Isadore M.D. (1982). Second Opinion: Your Comprehensive Guide to Treatment Alternatives.

Rosenfeld, Isadore M.D. (1996). Dr. Rosenfeld’s Guide to Alternative Medicine: What Works, What Doesn’t- And What’s Right For You.

Stehlin, Isadora (FDA Consumer, February 1996). What’s Behind Homeopathic Care?

Ullman, Dana (1988). Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century.

Weiner, Dr. Michael. The Complete Book of Homeopathy.

Whitmont, Edward C. Psyche and Substance: Essays on Homeopathy in the Light of Jungian Psychology.















Western Medicine