Mentalist Stewart A. Swerdlow is a well-known author, teacher, lecturer, healer, and researcher. He is also known as Stan Campbell in the Montauk Book Series.




Stewart spent years in service to various government and international intelligence services where his mind was utilized in mind control and genetic experimentation. These experiences left him with abilities and knowledge concerning the use of the unused 90% of the human mind.


Stewart has traveled all over the world in his pursuits to improve and correct the mind-patterns of the human race in order to uplift mankind and create a more livable world. He devotes his time to helping those who have experienced unconventional trauma and helps them to understand why it occurred and how to release it from their mind-pattern.


Stewart is the author of several books and counsels people from all walks of life. He is a Development Specialist with concentration in healing those with mental handicaps including retardation, epilepsy, and psychosis. As a Certified Personal Trainer, be augments the mental and emotional healing with physical development. He is an expert in mind-pattern and dream analysis, and can detail your personality from the energy frequency of your name. He can be reached on the website




Q.) Do you see the human energy field or Auric field?


A.) Yes, the energy that I see emanating from the electro-magnetic field or auric field initially starts in the mind pattern.


Q.) Can you further explain what you mean when you say mind pattern?


A.) It is a pattern of thought of a particular soul entity which attracts the atomic structure to create the protein in a certain formation for DNA patterning on strands which then provide the blue prints for the body. From this a certain energy pattern is generated from the DNA and centered in the Chakra System of which their are seven main ones in each layer of the auric field. Each chakra is associated with a layer of the field and a location of the body from the spine all the way through the crown of the head. Here is where I see the color sequence of each one.


Q.) What do you look for or see when your are scanning the auric field of a client?

A.) I can feel and see when the pulsatory rhythm of the color frequency is off or out of synch. The color in the auric field would be distorted and muddied.


Q.) Are you seeing this with your physical eye or minds eye?


A.) I’m seeing with the minds eye. I see the physical structure as well as the energy behind the physical structure, so that the physical part is actually the frozen energy that accumulates around the subatomic particles. In addition to that, the mind pattern as it relates to the human form creates symbols or archetypes that then flow out into the auric field and spin around. These symbols are a statement of who you are and what you are in the moment.


Q.) Is that a form of resonance and communication?


A.) Yes, I call it a triad of communication. You have a color of the field that enamates a tone or frequency, an archetype or symbol which is generated in the auric field and a statement of information that is translated.


Q.) So a form of communication is going on all the time?


A.) Yes, even though its nonverbal, its constantly there in inanimate and animate forms. Human beings, animals, insects, and inanimate forms such as tables, chairs, clothing etc., all have this emanating field. The difference is that inanimate forms do not have architypes because they do not have an innate mind pattern but rather they are the result of a human beings mind pattern. The inanimate form is charged by the human energy field.


Q.) How do you use the energy field in your practice, and what do you heal?


A.) In my experience and my perspective which is a hyperspace perspective (a location or dimension of no time or space) there is really only one mind, which I believe is the mind of god. Our individuality is a spark or aspect of that total mind. So therefore I believe and experience all minds linked together as one. Therefore being linked through mind pattern, It becomes relatively simple to tune into another persons energy field or frequency which is their portion of the mind pattern that I connect to to help it and understand it. It is never used to control or manipulate it. So when I’m looking at the disease or illness I first look at the mind pattern in the conscious level, the subconscious, and the super conscious. These levels are related to the left brain, right brain, pineal gland, dream state, waking state, and the state of non-physical realities. It is here where I can see negative or wrong thought patterns that are not in accordance with the universal flow or mind of god. Love has been distorted. This mind pattern becomes an energy form that the auric field metabolizes for the body. If it is not corrected it degenerates to the emotional level, and if it is not dissolved there it will become a physical problem or manifestation which can be painful and problematic, and can even result in death. Why the mind pattern has generated this illness usually goes back to the clients childhood. Here is where I have the client feel a certain time of their past. The process can be intense, and there is a lot of personal work involved. I experience reaction as another form of creation. Everything and everyone is a part of the first creation.

  Everything we create here in the Earth plane is of our own manifestation to prove to ourselves that we are not really a part. However, all the experiences we have are designed to bring us back to the original concept and design of wholeness.


Medical Dr’s and therapists are treating symptoms and removing pain in the mental condition, however its not curing the cause or core of the blocked energy that is a frozen time conglomerate of emotions that have not been processed. They are frozen in time.


Q.) What other ways have you used the auric field to heal your clients?


A.) In cancer and aids patients I guide them through their energy fields by using visualizations to adjust the color frequency that is distorted. Each clients process is unique, and therefore each visualization is different. As we go through the visualization we also are exploring the mind pattern of negative thoughts that created the illness. It is only by seeing and processing the feelings that are blocked, that the client can begin to dissolve the pain and illness, and free the energy that the body needs to metabolize for its well being. Symptoms and thoughts of lack of self worth and feelings of not being well lasts minutes to 3 hrs. depending on the clients ability to assimilate the information and their desire to continue.


Q.) Do you ever use your hands in working with your clients?


A.) I usually don’t unless I need to feel cold areas of the brain or when I worked with severely retarded adults I would use my hands to massage their back and shoulders while they were in their wheel chair. Gently and slowly making contact with them from behind is safe for them and is also safe for myself.


Q.) Do you see healing occur right away? or is it gradual?


A.) It depends on the client and how prepared and ready he is to go through the healing process. I had an emergency call a few weeks ago of someone in Colorado. I was speaking to the daughter whose mother was in the hospital bleeding from the colon. Her carotid arteries were also blocked and she had a heart attack while being in the hospital. This was on a Friday. The doctor told the daughter that they would try to operate on her on Monday to open up her arteries but that most likely she would have a stroke that could be fatal. I tuned into her frequency of her auric field making readjustments of the colon alignments in the Chakra System.

Feeling the bleeding I noticed that there was bleeding also in the upper stomach as well. I used green in the area of the colon and stomach to stop the bleeding. I opened up the Carotid arteries by using certain color sequences and visualizations. On Sunday night I received a call from the daughter stating that her mother stopped bleeding, her arteries were open and that they were releasing her from the hospital without any planned surgery. This was an immediate case of healing.


Then I had a case that took two years for any healing to be accomplished. This took place in an agency setting that I worked for in Suffolk County, Long Island that cared for the mentally retarded and the developmentally disabled adults. I cannot mention the name of this facility, however their patients were from the ages of 18 and older.


The patient I was working with spent 32 years in Willowbrook and was profoundly retarded. All her teeth were extracted because she used to bite people. (The agencies are not allowed to do extractions anymore). She was wheelchair bound, violent and screamed and cried most of the day.


The woman was 54 years old when I met her and to be quite honest I didn’t want to work with her because she was violent and had the ability to knock you across the room with one blow. Her arms were scared from all the stitches she acquired from pounding her arms and fists on her tray and anything in her reach.


I first massaged her back because her back because if you stood in front of her she’d hit you. Even though she was strapped and wheel chair bound, she would still try to throw her wheelchair over me, but the chair had braces to prevent it from tipping.


I put her first in blue with visualization that would calm her down. Then I would usebrown visualization to ground her, because I knew she didn’t feel connected o the earth. I made physical contact with her ever so slightly each time I met with her. At times, feeding her and making eye contact with her was more than enough. She had this problem of a reaction to food of projectile vomiting. She had several surgeries to correct this, however at times she would still vomit and would also regurgitate and reswallow the food like a cow. I surrounded her and placed her in yellow because yellow is an absorbing color to help her absorb the food. Within 2 years she was out of her wheel chair and walking around.


She would want to hug me. She learned to smile and was able to function in the classroom with the other adults. While I was there she never became verbal, however, I knew she finally found some happiness.


Q.) What are your goals and desires?


A.) My initial goal is to help others find their innerself, to help heal trauma and dissolve the pain causing disease. I also want to teach others how to use parts of 90% of their brain they do not use.