The Human Energy Field or the Auric field is the "missing link" between biology and physical medicine and psychotherapy. This pulsatory phenomenon has important implications for the whole direction of each human life where its operation provides essential diagnostic information and invaluable guidance in the therapeutic process.

The word "Aura" comes from the Greek, meaning breeze. It is fluid brilliantly colored and constantly changing. The aura both permeates the solid body and draws external energy into the whole organism. The basic life force composing the person’s physical body, aura, and ingested energy is the same substance, except each one carries a different frequency and cohesive form. Because the aura’s pulsatory rate is immensely quicker than the body’s, it telegraphs precisely what is happening within the person on all functional planes: the physiological, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual, where the state of functioning at one level determines the state of functioning in the other, which can also be called reciprocal energy exchange. The principle of Reciprocity in biological organisms has been studied at the microcosmic to the macrocosmic level by Einstein, Brown, Alain, Rheinberg and Jean Gata. Each segment of a whole confirms the generalization that all entities exhibit a pulsatory rhythm, emitting internal substance on one beat, and taking in external substance on the next.

It is the contraction and expansion according to a rhythm that depends on the environmental conditions and the state of a cell to a universal kingdom. The principle of reciprocity operates visibly in biological organisms from the stand point of their receptivity to cosmic phenomena in their environment. The influence of massive natural forces on plants and humans such as weather changes, lunar cycles, diet, sleep schedules etc. reflects the balance of our physiological well being not only on its innate condition but also on all external reality surrounding it up to and including the forces of the macrocosm.

All these factors are reflected in the Human Energy Field or Human Aura like that of every other entity which exhibits the two active phases of movement. The phases arise from an assertive operation of the persons core and its receptive operation. The receptive movement passes mainly through energy funnels, which are distributed around the perimeter of the physical frame. The energy composing both kinds of formation is a universal substance that penetrates and permeates the cosmos and unifies all of life. The study of unity has been theorized and thought about throughout the Eastern and Western civilizations since 1300 BC. Husserl’s study of the contrast between "subjective" and "objective" realities can be seen as a systematic explanation of early Greek thought which also theorizes the unity of all things. Subjective is the consciousness of an individual mind which has the constant interplay with the objective material and an understanding of the basis and knowledge of the others.


Heavenly bodies encase souls, minds, and spirits in the same way that the visible human form serves as a vehicle for an individual spiritual organism, which in fact is the subjective or conscious individual.

The Eastern traditions have striven to reinforce the perception of the unity underlying all things, while the dominant Western schools have tended to reinforce the perception of the dualism (the disunity) of all things. "As regards to the Human Energy systems, the Western tendency has fostered a cleavage between humanity and nature, between intuition and rational thought, and between the human person and the inner self" (JC. Pierrakos, MD 37). Freud observed that creative insight makes many creative discoveries that the scientific world reaches much later. To dispel disbelief is to open the perceptive genius of our core to be able to see with our inner vision as well as to see with the physical eyes. Through patience, training, and functioning eye sight, everyone can learn to observe energy fields. Internal blockages and disbeliefs is the only preventative in viewing emanations of the field.

What is being brought together here is the mystery, awareness, and multifaceted phenomemom of the Universal Energy Field that is present, that surrounds and supports all animate and inanimate forms. Rupert Shildrake, Ph.D., a biochemist and author of "A New Science of Life", The Presence of The Past", and "The Rebirth of Nature", studied biological systems and developed the concept of morphogenetic fields and the theory of morpho resonance.

His work shows that biological forms continually evolve through an underlying intelligent unified life field, the morphogenetic field. This life field automatically maintains health or seeks to return to it. This field is alive and constantly unfolding a morphic resonance with the universal energy field and the Human Energy Field that is in contact with and communicates with all other life forms. What happens to one creature will be communicated to other creatures through morphic resonance. What one creature learns will be eventually transmitted to all other creatures. The balancing system within and around us is a morphogenetic field based on universal life principal of order that comes out of M-3 meta-physics. (Mind Giving Rise to Matter, Dr. Willis Harman). Within every organism is a preference for balance and order, which means that the Human Energy Field naturally tends toward syncronicity with all life energy fields due to its basic nature to be in syncronicity with all life.

The mystery is, what is the Universal Energy Field? And can it be observed? Husserl speaks of the U.E.F. as the phenomenal field which contains other bodies that move in a pattern similar to ones own. There have been many historical references to the U.E.F. throughout time.


Time Place/Person Name of Energy Properties

5000 BC India Prana The basic source of all

Life __________________________________________________________________

3000 BC China Ch’l Present in all matter

Ying & Yang 2 polar forces


500 Greece Visual Energy A luminous body

Pythagoras that can produce cures.


1200 Paracilsus Iliaster Vital Force & Vital

Matter & Healing


1800 Wilhelm von Odic Force Comparison to

Reschenbach electromagnetic field



The U.E.F. has also been observed and studied in the twentieth century along with the energy field as associated with the human body. The Human Energy field has been measured by devices like the electroencephalograph (EEG), Electrocardiograph (EKG) and the superconducting quantum interference device or SQUID, a very highly sensitive magnetometer. Studies with these devices have shown dysfunction or abnormalities in the bio energy field or biological systems which can leave room for infection in the body.

On the physical level, your balancing system works automatically. If your stomach needs more acid, it doesn’t bother to tell you about it - it just produces more. If you need more oxygen, your body simply breathes faster and deeper. If the body needs something it cannot give it self, the balancing system works through the senses to let us know how to take care of it. The imbalance of this system will lead to disease if we continue to ignore the messages of discomfort and finally pain. A proper diet, rest, and taking care of our emotional needs is one key to keeping us in balance so that the body can metabolize the energy it needs and be in sync with the U.E.F. (Universal Energy Field). This balancing system starts in the life and growth of a cell.

The energy of every entity animate or inanimate, subjective or objective, varies in pulsatory rhythm, layering, depth of layers, play of colors, and other charachteristics. These variations depend on the nature of the subject, its condition, its age, its physical and psychological surroundings, its geographic location, the season of the year, and the weather. The energy that emanates can be experienced and viewed as multi hued waves, beams, streamers, and fireballs that can interact, surround, and overlap to support other forms.

Many scientific devices have been used to ovserve these emanations, as well as the trained human who like Freud uses creative insight to make contact with pure consciousness of other dimensions that are part of and are vital to our full natural creative process.


In 1911, Dr. William Kilner, a medical doctor viewed the Human Energy field through colored screens and filters. In the mid-1900s, Dr. George De La Warr and Dr. Ruth Brown developed Radionics. It was a system of detection, diagnosis and healing from a distance utilizing the human biological energy field. Dr. William Reich, a psychiatrist and colleague of Freud studied the Universal Energy that he named "orgone". He studied the relationship of disturbances of the orgone flow in the Human Body to physical and psychological illness. Reich developed a psychotherapeutic process using Freudien analytic techniques to release the blockage of the orgone flow in the body which could clear negative mental and emotional states. Reich constructed a variety of physical apparatuses for the study of the orgone field. One was the "accumulator", which was capable of concentrating orgone energy and which he used to charge objects with energy.

In my own experiences and experiences of healers who use the UEF to charge and clear the aura of their clients, have been trained to use meditative breathing, focusing and clearing their minds and bodies as well as their own fields to channel this energy in a healing session. One also must learn to be very grounded in order to be able to channel this energy. It takes lot of practice, and with healing there must always be good intentions. A personal process is always accelerated when ones intentions are to heal.


Clearing the emotional blocks through charging of the field is very similar to Wilhelm Reichs’ apparatus the "accumulator". There must always be great caution when using this energy so that one does not use it to control or manipulate another.

There are many other forms of auric healing such as "Reike", an ancient Tibetan healing system using light hand placements and symbols that the practitioner visualizes or draws with their hands over a certain part or all of the body. Jinshindo, a body mind accupressure using Taoist Yogic Breathing and Reichian theory to remove energy blocks in the physical body. JinShin Jyutsu is an oriental system to balance the flow of energy in the body by using the hands. It does not involve physical manipulation of the muscles.

The Human Body is a magnificent organism that responds and performs in its environment to fulfill many tasks. It generates energy and its turmoil does not always result in disability and disease, but can lead to that triumph of the human spirit we call creativity. Auric healing is not a religion. It can be questioned, however it must be remembered that we are all unique and evolving in consciousness. We are all at different levels, therefore the unique process of life is that we can learn from each others experiences. Auric healing is an individual experience of healing the inner being.


The psychology of the soul and the human mind are always the subjective and objective process when we are examining and exploring the personal side of pain which is our discomfort or disease in the moment. By not limiting our thoughts and desires, we are opening our mind and changing the programming and conditioning we have lived with in our bodies, that have prevented us from experiencing our full creative potential. This is evolution, which will unlock and accelerate our brain potential to meet our god potential. It is through the Pulsatory Rhythm of the auric field that we can explore the universal and human energy field in its relationship to the animate and inanimate world to support and promote healing. The final paper has evolved and will now include three interviews on the use of the energy field in therapeutic and manual medicine. The first interview is with John C. Pierakos, M.D. (psychiatrist) the second is with Stewart Swerdlow, (psychic healer), and the third interview is with Neil Kirschen, M.D. (anesthesiologist).


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