Who owns the story? America's televised battle for cultural supremacy
by Ellen Turkenich
It has been said that war is often fought on two fronts - one, the actually
physical campaign of combat, and the other, the psychological campaign
of winning the 'hearts
and mind.' The three week war in Iraq known as Operation Iraqi Freedom
proved no different. It was not just about America's war for oil or the
liberation of the oppressed, but it represented a global television war further
expanding the American corporate hegemony onto the cultures of the Others. From
March 20th to April 9th, the round-the-clock television bombardment into American
and Arabic homes of computer guided missiles and killed civilians has become
the discourse by which most of the world has come to understand the realities
of warfare. The interplay among the American commercial news channels/military
storytellers, Al-Jazeera, and the other 'responsible' Western broadcasters
has been a confrontation of relative values concerned primarily with whose narrative
can dominate the coverage of the event, and in essence, dominate the psyche of
the public arena. In this mediated clash, truth ' the value, the ownership,
and the relativity ' become the weapons for the battlefield of cultural
supremacy. As televised wars in the future will continue to play a seminal role
in the arsenal of war, what is needed in the post-war coverage analysis is a
of the television's role in propagandizing war and an understanding of
the televised effects.
The uniformity in American television channels of the initial 'shock and
awe' military bombardment foretold much or what was to happen: a lack
of in-depth and differentiated criticism of American foreign policy. What Americans
wanted was a good story that they could follow and have come to depend upon in
television. While propaganda is considered an ugly word in America's free
press circles, the televised bombardment came as close to it in its self-censorship.
Reporters pride themselves on a heroic independence, as champions for accountability
with dozens of associations and charters to insert independent and assumingly
objective coverage into the news stations. For those who viewed the war coverage
on CNN and FOX during the first week of the war, they would universally attest
that there has never been such a greater insertion of war correspondents as participants
in the field of battle with almost eerie homogenous results. Whether the viewer's
choice was Brett, Dan or Peter, the main focus
became the visual display over Baghdad. On the first day of the US lead war (March
19th), both FOX and CNN showed the war's opening ceremony from the same
the 'shock
and awe' campaign from the rooftop of the Al-Rashid hotel with brief cutbacks
to the anchor desks and Pentagon briefing centers. Cloned journalists replicated
the stories on all the other local and national news desks. It was an 'instant' classic
shot to be replayed repeatedly over the course of the war. Of course, for the
journalists, mimicking Americans at home, the war gave little sense of the Other:
the human residents of Baghdad.
The distancing between us (the perps) and the victims (Iraqis) was necessary
in that we were clearly were the aggressors. Without the upper hand in the human
dimensions of the story, American broadcasters tended to rely more on the fun
and games aspects of war. From first week of the war, following progress of the
military tactics of the 'shock and awe' campaign became a favorite
for CNN: First, with the running commentary on the nightly aerial bombings in
visual terms of fire lit skies and then, with the alert readings such as 'Shock
and Awe postponed,' 'Shock and Awe begins,' and other status
checks. The 'tune in next time' nail biting cliffhangers of the war
were more to command the narrative rather than driven by actual news events.
This heightened sense of events, or hyping the events in real time has more
to do with the unique visual qualities that television can provide. Television
powerful because it dislocates the 'viewer' in a full auditory sensation
that is an 'all-at-once' medium, designed to connect the 'viewer' to
the experience of viewing, not necessarily to the content of the medium. This
distinction is held clear in print media. It implies a linear, sequential, and
implicitly, more logical, medium that can be examine at our own pace and leisure.
Logical sequencing is not necessary, and in fact, counterintuitive to the television
experience. The medium then is the message. (Berger 18)
This argument is echoed by Benjamin Barber in 'Jihad vs. McWorld' on
the perils of TV viewing in this commercial age. Television is a tool designed
not for any civic purpose but notably to adulterate humans for material consumption.
(111) It refers to the ability of television to create a hyperkinetic response
through images that overpower the sensory framework. The effectiveness in creating
the consumption identity comes from exciting the most unconsciousness human drives.
Commercials often trade on instinctual triggers based either on sex or violence,
eliciting a 'Pavlov's' response to stimuli that eludes logical
decision making. It conditions the mind to accept hyperbolized bits of information
extolling its urgency and immediacy. However what is notable about the television
mediated culture is the blurring between the symbols that represent reality and
the reality itself. The orgy of
images or instant gratifications that satisfy once, only serve to create more
compulsions for 'the instant.'
Whether good or bad, television and commerce as the American way has been
exported across the globe. The creation of open markets has brought international
conglomerates that use their economies of scale to operate in every possible
marketplace. In US alone, the top three media firms have captured over 80% of
the viewing public. The lessons learned by AOL-TimeWarner and Viacom are re-populated
elsewhere as international media firms begin to devour into one another. While
viewers believe that there is choice in programming, the programming comes from
the same corporate mind set. The choice is the choice of consumerism. Corralled
by the lack of real 'choice', the viewer is just branded 'Am
I a CNN viewer or a FOX viewer? Am I a Pepsi or a Diet Coke?
Television as a 'soft power' embodies coercive attributes that are
easily co-opted by hard power elements in society. If there is a connection between
television as the engine of capitalists, then parallels can be drawn between
the cultural apparatus held by media monopolies and the military apparatus held
by industry of weapons manufacturers. In 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower spoke
about the dangers of the undue influence of private interests over the military
industrial complex. His warning spoke of the encroachment on American freedoms
brought by the 'disastrous rise of misplaced powers.' Clearly McDouglas
and McWorld are linked.
So what role does television play in televising the military apparatus? I
suggest that it is the evolution of the military-entertainment complex.
One striking
feature of the war coverage is the preponderance of airtime spent by the
FOX channel, as well as many other network news outlets, highlighting
weapons of destruction: the Hellfire missile, the Stinger, the Daisy Cutter,
the bunker buster, and the MOAB. Each new weapon is schematized, displayed
and dissected as to indicate its superior attributes:
the range of the
projectile, the conditions in which it would operate, and the dimensions
of its interior space. The glossy rotating 3D computer simulated
images with gushing
captions have some scholars wondering whether the thrill is the thrill of
the weapons of mass seduction. In an interview
for the Guardian, Linda Williams, a film studies professor at UC Berkeley,
CNN has this special thing they do whenever they introduce a new weapon. It reminds me of the way athletes are introduced in coverage of the Olympics: a little inset comes out with their bio and stats...it (this weapon) comes flying out and turned this way and that way and that so that you could see it from all angles'This is the kind of spectacular vision you get in porn ' where the point is to see the sex act from every angle. It's narcissistic; boys getting together admiring their toys. It is about us proudly displaying our weapons and there is something sexual about that. (Brockes)
Or is it possible that the coverage is a consumer manual, accompanying the billions
of dollars spent on defense? According to the Pentagon, one tomahawk attack
missile costs about $1million each. In Iraq alone, the United States has dropped
over a hundred in a span of just two weeks. The viewing public can now see their
money well spent on the power and effectiveness of the 'smart' killing machine.
Hints of the efficacy of the military marketing campaign can be seen in a
study conducted by the University of Massachusetts's Center for Studies
in Communication. They surveyed Americans after the 1991 Gulf War on their knowledge
of underlying political issues surrounding the war. Sut Jhally found that those
that were the heaviest television viewers of the conflict were more likely to
support war and know less about the political decisions surrounding the war than
those with minimal TV viewing. However, heavy viewers excelled in one area: a
near perfect recall for the names of military hardware such as the Patriot missiles
and their military capability. Whether the televised Gulf War intended to 'brand' weapons
of destruction, the military did not object in the second Gulf War to increase
televised access to the flight decks and testing centers where reporters could
participate in the firing of American made weaponry.
Weaponry has become a fetish, a commodity that is enjoyed outside of its original purpose. As Jordan Crandall, a media artist, points out:
One wonders, as always, what the real artillery is in this war ' images or bullets. Perhaps the soldiers should be allowed to carry cameras or the camera and gun should simply collapse into one another. It has been narrowing in terms of the windows between detection and engagement, "sensor" and "shooter," intelligence-gathering and deployment -- which in many ways drives military development and especially its aerial imaging. (2)
Vision is outfitted, a retooled weapon.
It is no wonder that Americans supported the war, irregardless of any evidence
that the Iraqis were directly involved in the attack of 9-11. In a 'real' sense,
the seamless simulacrum of reality allows us to 'put ourselves on the front
line.' It gives us a sense of participation through the 'real situations' and
the 'real people' or through what is coded as authentic. The voyeurism
is borne on the real-time image streams dislocating us onto the battlefield with
all its implied dangers. They feel that they are under attack, both as the hunted
and the hunter behind the rifle scope. The reaction is from the virtual experience
of having to fear what is unknown in battle. It is the sub-conscious aspects
of the mind that surfaces as we become visual participants, not out of choice
or with any ability to direct the action, but rather from a defensive position
of being held captive.
The April 3rd military re-broadcasting of the Jessica Lynch rescue complete
with Jessica herself inside the broadcast of the press briefing demonstrates
a profound understanding of the media effect. On the surface, the story itself
is that of an American soldier's heroism and bravery. She is extolled as an
example of the new American soldier: A woman who survived combat that was rescued
by other brave Americans in hostile terrain. However, this story is even more
powerful from a narratological analysis.
Viewers are captured by the captured image:
the classic story in story narrative structure. Jessica lies in terror embedded
the screen, by footage taken by others embedded into reporting the story.
General Brooks stands tall in sharp contrast, behind a podium encased
with symbols of
authority and of the nation, acting as the orator. The language surrounding
him extorts us to obey: 'UNITED STATES COMMAND' and reiterates
exactly who is in charge of the coded television messages. He is
the archetype for the
socializing agent that tells the audience what they want to get and who should
give it to them. The audience accepts, entrapped like Jessica in some unknown
The Jessica Lynch story diminished negative sentiments against the war. After
its airing on the major network channels, the respondents who felt that the war
was going well for Americans increased by 18%. (Field Poll)
In a post-mortem interview with Lynch's colleagues and the Iraqi doctors in
charge of her care, a BBC reporter has debunked most of the heroism attributed
to Ms. Lynch. The extent of her injuries and the ferociousness of her challenge
to her attackers largely been discounted from the original news reports given
by the Pentagon and mainstream press.
As one may surmise, public relations is an acknowledgement that truth is a matter
of perception. Good PR, s well as effective propaganda, involves the telling
of truth, but only a partial truth. It is the control of information, the spin,
that is important, not the content. The true genius behind the war coverage
is Hill and Knowlton, the private PR firm hired by the military to construct
the media/propaganda campaign. It is the ingenuity of their embedded reporting
plan in which the media and military organizers have understood and leveraged
the narrative synergies between television programming and the military.
The incongruity of the reporter's call to arms speaks greater to the emergence
of a military-entertainment complex. From the boot camp that was they attended
to the positions inside combat troops, embedded reporters became the latest
'scud studs.' Appearing out of the sandstorms, the friendly newscasters that
typically read the evening news were now part of the troops. All six excited
CNN embedded reporters took on the language of the 'we' against 'them,' forgetting
that they were impartial observers. Ryan Chilcote, a CNN reporter with the 101st
Airborne Division, personalized his April 14th broadcast further by mentioning
a friend who might have been injured during an attack. Reporting on the hardship
of the troops, the chaos of Iraq, and intolerable sandstorms, reporters seem
to reprise the role of 'friend of the troops.' As a matter of decorum, CNN and
FOX decided against the airing of American causalities and of the numerous Iraq
children and civilians that were injured in the military engagements, all except
for Dr Sanjay Gupta's embedded broadcast of military doctors operating on a
6 year old child. The grisly images of war were too much except when it showed
American beneficence.
On metaphoric level, the embedded reporter gives a good representation
of American monopoly over globalization. The reporter is
dislodged and dislocated from the
cultural anchors of a place and time and embedded elsewhere. The mobile news
reporter represents the ultimate disinterest in cultural specificity and
replacement by the global corporate identity. They know not
the language, the culture, or
the people. Time is also distorted and squeezed down where day and night
exist in the same altered broadcasts beaming from satellites
in Doha and New York.
As the pioneer of the 24 hour news coverage, CNN transmits by satellite to
every major Western market by satellite, and is truly global
in its reach through its
affiliated stations in other parts of the world. Its version of the story
gets played over the newscast of the local market as they
tell the viewers what the
world is watching.
There is some sense of déjà vu from the first Gulf war - a war
which became a televised event with its identifiable cast of characters. During
the first Gulf war, US viewers tuned into see Storming Norman Schwartzkof, Colin
Powell, and Papa Bush. In Gulf War 2, viewers had Rumsfield, Powell, and Bush
Jr. However, central to the casting of this war were the characters revolving
out of the Pentagon's Centcom or the US Command and Operations Center-
General Brooks and General Franks-both of whom dominated official airtime. The
preponderance of military 'talking heads' was hard to ignore. On
the internet site for the media watchdog group of the Farness in Reporting, they
cited over 76% of all 'experts' on network newscasts had
current or past military affiliations or government posts. During a similar
three week
study involving the evening newscasts of six American news channels,
nearly 71% of the American guests were pro-war, but only 3% were anti-war.
Of the featured
British guests, 95% were pro-war military officials with the remaining
5% as journalists. Notably a third of the British public was against
the war at the
time and 27% of Americans had a similar stance, but the anti-war coverage
was minimal. A large percentage of the anti-war appearances were unnamed
or labeled
simply on mass as protesters. With little coverage allotted to the anti-war
voices, it is easy to see that America was unified, at least on television,
for the war
effort. (FAIR)
For those who have experienced the American network television event
will confirm that it represented a new epoch in broadcasting. Grotesque
and riveting,
were all the elements that create a good drama ' the conflict, the human
interest, the familiar and reassuring cast of characters, and the unforgettable
villains ' with a good dose of action to keep boys interested
and emotional tear-jerking scenes for the ladies.
However, the success of America's war coverage is problematic. While greater
numbers of viewers across the globe tuned into CNN and FOX, this only highlights
the hegemony of the US over the rest of the world. Sadly, this is a fact apparent
even to the most die-hard supporters of the American way, our Western allies.
It also has polarized those who reject America's message and
fomented greater animosity and fear of US intentions.
Staunch British supporters stayed glue to their televisions as well.
The BBC, the government funded network station, mounted its most
intensive operations
with over 200 journalists and support staff in Iraq and the Middle
East. By American
standards, the BBC was a voice of inclusion. Justin Lewis, a professor
of journalism at Cardiff University, found that the evening war coverage
the BBC was most
pro-government out of the three largest British networks, with 11%
of experts from the military and only 22% of the coverage on Iraqi
As members
of Blair's cabinet accused the BBC of anti-war bias, Martin
Bell, a post-BBC reporter openly criticized the BBC and other network
news for its one sided depiction
of the war and for not showing the grisly consequences of combat.
More strikingly, the Pew Global Attitudes conducted in 2003 showed
that in March alone, British
opinion of the United States fell by 27% from the previous summer
to 48% favorable opinion rating. (Pew also reports that British opinion
has shifted back up with
the success of the military campaign.)
The BBC has also fallen into the pitfalls of 24 hour news coverage.
The BBC had been plagued with significant factual errors in their
had to be retracted on air. One of the most glaring was the reporting
of the large scale Basra uprising on March 25th in British controlled
it was confirmed by a British military spokesman, than later
retracted by Tony Blair as to the 'belief that there was a limited uprising of some sort.' Another
story involved the US taking of Umm Qasr, Iraq's port in the south. BBC
also reported on March 21 as to the unconfirmed US control of the port. In a
volley of claims and counter-claims, the port apparently had been taken 'nine
times' according to military sources. In a March 28th interview, the BBC
network chiefs were quick to assess the problem as that of relying too heavily
on the statements coming out of military sources, calling it one of the worst 'misinformation' campaigns.
Mainstream American journalists seemed less troubled with the loss
of objectivity. As Bob Schieffer, a CBS evening anchor, stated
at a speech
at the RTNDA (Radio-Television
News Directors Association & Foundation) that 'he had never been more
proud to call himself a journalist at the coverage of the embedded reporters.'(Cochran)
The very part of society that was insured constitutional protection
of free speech so as to act as guardians against the tyranny
of the government over its citizens
has lost its civic value.
Al-Jazeera's reporting differs in its focus, but purports the same message -
Resistance is futile. Al-Jazeera calls itself the 'Arab CNN', combining elements
of the live broadcast, call in programming, interviews, and independent footage.
During the US lead war, they focused on showing montage photos of the victims
and of the dead. This message of victimology is no more humanizing than the
message sent by American television. Showing an image of a child with his head
blown up respects neither the dead nor the living. It is contrived to fit the
narrative of the oppressed tribal man. Repeating visceral images of the dead
spliced with text and other images creates even more of a disjuncture - one
side representing impotent savagery and the other representing a powerful mix
of the suit and the military. The implied image feeds into its own stereotype
- the West as powerful and modern, and the Middle East in a state of chaos and
disintegration. It re-affirms the relative positions in the power structure
through media representation.
Media analyst, Michael Wolff, argues that Al-Jazeera is all about television
ratings, not propaganda. He refers to the grittiness of the film and the panning
effect of the dead as qualities embodying that of a snuff film. Al-Jazeera does
porn, but not in the way Americans can, instead it is rather a low budget spectacle.
What it lacks in good narrative structure, it makes up in blood and guts, and
lots of it. The chaotic and unfiltered news out of Al-Jazeera embodies the qualities
that make tabloids so readable and digestible.
The oddity of the Al-Jazeera phenomenon is the American-ness
of it all. Underneath it all, Al-Jazeera television is a
commercial entity.
main goal is to
keep its some 35 million eyeballs glued to the television
sets for the eventual advertising
payoff. The tricks that it employs have less to do with some
different Arabic way of viewing life, but more to do with
shock TV- from combative
on Faisal al Qasim to the 'ambulance' chasing
style of street reporting. They have taken the quantum leap
over the staid media channels like the BBC, and thrust
themselves fully into the role of future media conglomerate.
Even the Emir of Qatar, who has funding the media station,
knows that oil is a dwindling commodity.
This is the type of media that Edward Said himself would
criticize. In Covering Islam, Said details a subtle and profound
calling for
responsibility in the face of a monolithic version of 'Islam' in
the mainstream Western press. Al-Jazeera returns the favor
with its own monolithic version of
the West. In a recent Al-Jazeera poll, 74% of respondents
believe that the Iraqi invasion is a war to create a new
American world order, and over 88% of respondents
believe that it was a war created for the benefit of Israel.
In this war effort, Al-Jazeera is clearly a winner. Not only
did it become one of the most viewed websites in Europe,
but in the midst
of the war
in April,
it also became Lycos top search term. In an interview
with Al-Jazeera's
marketing and PR head, Jihad Ali Ballout, Ballout explains that the business
plan of Al-Jazeera is to 'dominate the region, and then with English language
broadcasts and other international partnerships, extend the brand throughout
the world.' (Wolff) It is Arabic based, but not rejectionist. Al-Jazeera
does not represent a version of Benjamin Barber's
Jihad vs. McWorld, but rather, McJihad competing against
So what needs to be done? This question begs at the larger
issue of what is in America's interests. Perhaps
there is political propaganda on the commercial network
news, but we seem to care little about the more constant
economic propaganda
in the media. If commercial television is strictly
about entertainment,
perhaps mainstream journalists should come on the
air with a disclaimer: What
you are about to see is only fiction and intended
for consuming audiences, please prevent young impressionable
minds who believe in civic responsibility to view
the following programming . Part
of the problem lies in the reporter's
proposition that s/he is objective. It is clear
that all the process of filing a new story is subjective
and value-laden. The more journalists reveal the 'grey' areas
of their story, the contradictions in the story,
and the lack of knowledge over whom is wrong
or right, the more honest and informative news
stories will
Although CNN and FOX are imminently popular,
this has not prevented media critics and
scholars to purpose
more didactic
form of
television programming
as an
alternative to 'shock and awe' broadcasting.
The public is currently funding PBS and C-SPAN
through a consortium of cable operators. Unfortunately,
neither channel garners a large public viewership.
While they are content driven, they are not visually
driven and audiences seem to prefer the jazzier
of CNN and FOX.
Americans may prefer blissful ignorance; however,
the rest of the world seethes in the hypocrisy
of the arrogant
values. If 9-11
is not one wake-up call about the impossibility
of isolation in a globalized
community, then American will suffer from more
of the same. We will know less about our leaders and
if the
does not
hold them
accountable for their policy actions. Democracies
are demanding taskmasters, mostly because the require much of their
citizens to
and become
informed. Instead
of mindlessly
viewing the
press from the narrow channels of corporate media,
citizens can use alternatives such as internet
receive more in-depth
hear dissenting voices.
As the growth of internet can attest, the American
public has been quick to look
for information elsewhere.
While television has been co-opted by large corporations,
this does not have to be a static fact. The
public airwaves are owned
by the
and licensed
to cable and commercial broadcasting networks.
The public can dictate better terms for themselves
with non-commercial
Corporations can be better regulated as to
the share of cross-ownership in media properties
prevent further homogenization of the press,
as well as to prevent the further
concentration in control of the public airwaves. If
television is a socializing agent, we
can use the medium to learn how others in
the world view
the United
public can
for the public broadcasting of alternative
international public networks such as the
BBC, CBC (Canadian
and France
2 to create a better democratic society with
a more informed citizenry.
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