A Sleeping Giant Awakens: The United States Preemptive
by Angela Shand
The possibility for round two of the America Iraqi saga seem
almost inevitable, in the same way that American protest and opposition to the
war against Iraq seem futile. September 11, 2001 marked the beginning
of war, war against terrorism; war against aggressors. The American Government
has named Saddam Hussein the world's most perilous aggressor whom they believe
poses a threat to the safety of America and the rest of the world. The President
has said he believes that the Iraqi government has manufactured nuclear and
biological weapons since the United Nations inspectors were ousted from Iraq
in 1998 and in effect has declared war against Iraq. However in
1961 when the United Nations passed a resolution declaring that the use of nuclear
weapons was illegal, the United States did not concur with this resolution.
Despite America's decision to oppose the treaty that declared the possession
of nuclear weapons by some countries illegal, they loathe other countries to
produce or have nuclear weapons in their possession. America is ready to go
to war with Iraq to eradicate suspected nuclear weapons, while they consider
the manufacturing of nuclear weapons quite legal. Is not this hypocritical?
On the other hand if Iraq does have nuclear weapons and is allowed to continue
building an arsenal of such weapons of mass destruction, this could mean total
annihilation of mankind.
'Yet this is the Ultimatum presented to us: Secure the conditions whereby men
will entrust their security to a larger entity, or risk annihilation; persuade
men that their salvation rests in the subordination of national and local interest
to the interest of humanity, or endanger man 's future. ' Michael Harrison's
address to the United Nations appealed to the members to protect mankind from
annihilation by nuclear weapons was very compelling, but mankind's nature will
not simply elect to giving up any evil intent. Therefore, securing the
peace with military action, if it becomes necessary, is absolutely important.
Mankind has evolved from the beginning of time to become a
civilized society and throughout the years has discovered, and developed several
new capabilities to the point of being capable of self-destruction. According
to Freud (Civilization and Its Discontent) in primitive times, men tried
to find a purpose in life; hence, the birth of religion. The teachings of Christendom
told men that their purpose was to serve a higher being ' their creator - and
to obey his rules. Survival against the many influences of nature and the serving
of their creator became men's relevance or purpose in life. The teachings
of Christendom also informed men that failure to follow the rules of their creator
would cause them to suffer severe punishment. Men soon felt purposeless, they
had to find other things to do; simply obeying and surviving were not enough;
men started discovering, inventing and creating new things. After several discoveries
were made, pain and suffering continued to haunt men, therefore, they continued
on the quest for relief, and continued to seek pleasure to erase the suffering
(unhappiness). Pleasure principles were applied to combat suffering. Men decided
that there must be other purposes in life that would deter pain and give pleasure.
The beginning and advancement of civilization brought about several more discoveries,
and men's curiosity gave rise to invention after invention. Several
much needed devices, machinery and technological equipment necessary for a growing
civilized society were created and is still evolving, but unfortunately the
advent of nuclear, and biological weapons also became a part of these inventions.
Civilization's furtherance not only forced men to start journeying beyond their
local communities in search of fresh endeavors, but also brought about the start
of communication with other countries in foreign regions. This increase
in international interaction facilitated the increase in travel, finance and
trade. International law became necessary to control and ensure equitable transaction
between states. Originally, elements of ancient Jewish, Greek and Roman
practice combined with newer Christian concepts were use as a base for the formation
of international law. However the awareness of our ability to self-destruct
and destroy our environment led to more rigid treaties among states, to be used
in the event of conflicts. So, international law became a necessary measure
to govern and ensure equitable transaction between states. Some important
theorist also helped in the formation of international law. One such person
was the Dutch native; Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) who was known as the father of
international law. OHis most recognized work which gave him this title was his
1625 masterpiece - De Jure Belle ac Pacis: On the Law of War
and Peace. Some very intensive work was done on the formation of internation
law, but to date there are countries and world leaders who simply do not operate
within the law. Aristotle in The Politics states that "For
as man is the best of all animals when he has reached his full development,
so he is worst of all when divorced from law and justice."
Why can 't we all just get along? This is a valid question, but unfortunately
it is not practical if we again consider Freud 's theory about men (mankind).
Will mankind ever prefer to totally indulge themselves in the more positive
aspects of life versus the negative? If Freud 's analysis
about the id holds true, then it is almost impossible for mankind not to one
day annihilate or extinct themselves from existence. Mankind's good
versus evil nature has been a global today. Freud described the id as the
appetite or desire for material gain, the raw, irrational state of men's being
and the cause of mankin's habitually malignant behavior - the natural instinct.
That natural instinct I refer to as the killer instinct. According
to Freud all men are born with this id, which is by the ego; the works more
rationally ' it thinks things true before an act is committed. This
ego works as the control mechanism for the id. The super-ego, the conscience,
he also describe has another control mechanism for the id. Now, if we
should consider Freud's findings on a much larger scale - a worldwide scale,
it would bring us to question: Do some countries consider themselves
playing the role of the ego and the super ego in relation to other states
(the id)? How do we govern the id that fails to adhere to the law and
treaties of international law?
Although a horrid reality of life, war is at times the only available option
available for controlling the reign of tyrants (the id). Thus, the question
of preemptive strike or anticipatory self-defense is a practical prospect
in the 'real world ' and it is recognized by international
law. Therefore, there is no questioning the legality of such an endeavor,
but instead, defining when and how to utilize it so it is not used negatively
or with malicious intent. For instance in 1986, on April 14 when American
President Ronald Reagan employed an air strike against Libya, he justified
the action under article 51 of the United Nations Charter which states that,
'Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual
or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the
United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to
maintain international peace and security. '
President Reagan claimed he used his inherent right of self-defense.
It could be argued at the time that the President chose this line of action
out of malicious intent or as a form of aggression, seeing that it was not
until three hours before the aircrafts were over Libyan territory that he
actually informed congress of the air strike. But considering
that on April 6, 1986, only eight days prior to the air strike, about 50 United
States military personnel were injured and one killed in a West Berlin nightclub
bombing, which United States intelligence sources later attributed to the
libyans, the retaliation seemed understandable. Whether the intelligence
reports were true or not, they were used as fuel to sanction the air strike.
The US claimed self - defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter as
a deterrent of any future Libyan attacks.
March 24, 1986 almost two weeks before the air strikes marked another clash
between Libyan and US forces. Libya attacked US naval forces operating
lawfully in the Gulf of Sidra n a military exercise. Though the US defeated
the Libyans, it could have been said that the president acted out of malice
against Libyan leader Muammar el Qaddafi because of previous and ongoing conflicts
at a time when it was said that Qaddafi was using terrorism as a resistance
mechanism against western countries' intrusion into the middle east's political
and civil customs. Besides, the United States later (January 1989 revealed
its possession of evidence proving that Libya was preparing to produce chemical
weapons. the US however, did not use the option of preemptive strike
as expected by the international community, although they had little difficult
convincing the world that Libya posed a possible threat to the US and the
An anticipatory or preemptive strike should only be used by a state if it is
absolutely positive that the opposing state poses a threat to its citizens.
Aggressors may make false accusation against their foe in order to misuse the
United Nation's Charter on the allowance for preemptive strike. How can we say
for sure what is in a person mind? We cannot. Yes, a state may have weapons
of mass destruction like any other state; yes, they may not get along very well
with some of their neighbor. But how can one be sure of their aim? It
is impossible to completely know their intentions. We can only speculate, but
again, law is not an exact science. President Reagan ordered the attack against
Libya without consulting Congress. Despite what was said and what the United
States did or did not do or what Libya did or did not do, the case was based
upon pure conjecture.
Article 38 (1) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice states
the sources of international law treaties and conventions, customs, general
principles of law, and judicial decisions and teachings. Treaties and conventions
are usually the first source that the court turns to in settle dispute. As
we already know treaties are agreements between states to settle dispute,
handle human rights issues, foreign aid, navigation and the settlement of
disputes. States sometimes break treaties or refuse to adhere to treaties
and left other states with no other recourse but war. 'I would like
to mention briefly today two particular issues which are of deep concern to
all men: Disarmament and the establishment of true equality among men. Disarmament
has become the urgent imperative of our time. I do not say this because I
equate the absence of arms to peace or because I believe that bringing an
end to the nuclear arms race automatically guarantees the peace, or because
the elimination of nuclear warheads from the arsenals of the world will bring
in its wake that change in attitude requisite to the peaceful settlement of
disputes between nations. Disarmament is vital today, quite simple, because
of the immense destructive capacity of which men dispose. ' Michael Harrison 's
(War Speech) States sometimes disagree with each other over the presence or
production of nuclear weapons, and though there may be no treaties between
them regarding this matter, a breakdown in communication can evolve which
my ensue in war. Disarmament does indeed prevent future attack from the states
that have been disarmed; this also can be seen as a form of self-defense.
The Constitution of the United States empowered the President as the commander
and chief of the Armed forces and has executive power to declare war. As commander
and chief of the armed force, the President has the power to use his inherent
right of self-defense. The constitution provision for war making goes as follows:
'Acts of war pursuant to a congressional declaration of war; acts of
war authorized by statute; and acts of war pursuant to the President 's
self-defense power under the commander in chief clause and the executive power
clause of article II of the UN Charter. With the approval of congress the
president can declare war, but if the threat is immediate and certain, the
president can make the decision without congressional approval. Preemptive
strike to protect the peace and defend a state and its citizens as deemed
necessary is certainly permitted. Chapter VII of the UN Charter states that
the Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace,
breach of the peace or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or
decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with articles 41 to maintain
or restore international peace and security. This is an empowering tool to
the UN to deal with aggressors.
With no question about the legality of preemptive strike this takes us to
the question of its effectiveness in judging who is an aggressor or who is
actually acting out of self-defense. If it is deemed necessary for a state
to defend itself, such state should exercise its inherent right of self-defense.
Unequivocally, I endorse article 51 of the UN Charter and agree with preemptive
strike as long as it is justified. In masking aggression preemptive strike
can also be used. International law is not as strict as our local judicial
system and sometimes leaders in the international political system are allowed
to operate while their people live under oppressions and neighboring states
live in fear. It is up to the member of the United Nations, the Internal Court
of Justice, other member states to prevent such aggressors from manipulate
the system of law.
Chapter 1 and Article 2 of the UN Charter states that 'All members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice are not endangered. ' Peace-loving states have several options available to maintain peace and security. To elaborate further and quote Chapter VI of the UN Charter 'The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements or other peaceful means of their own choice. ' These suggested means of dispute settlement are absolutely adequate. If a state really wish to maintain peace, it can endeavor to adhere to these suggestion and or other means which may seem more appropriate to its and the opposing state's needs.
Because we are aware of our ability to destroy the environment and ourselves
and as well as causing serious suffering to others, lawmaking treaties are
necessary to prevent and alleviate genocide, illigal testing of nuclear weapons,
misuse of the oceans and to uphold laws governing human rights. Although
morality is not given a chapter in the science of international law, it is
an imperative consideration if treaties are to function effectively.
In the movie, 'The Gladiator, ' Caesar Marcus Aurelius told his
general, Maximus, that he would like him to lead Rome when he passed away,
to which Maximus asked why not his Commodus -Cesar son, and Caesar replied
that his son is not a moral man. Though this is only a Hollywood film, it
portrays true principles we expect of our leaders. A Leader who lacks
sound moral judgment should not be given the responsibility of making just
decisions on behalf of his people, because there will be no guarantee that
his subjects and other states will be free of abuse. neither should
an immoral leader have any influence over the formation of treaties, this
could interfere with the virtue oof any agreement between other leaders or
As international law evolves western dominance impacts the way the law is
set based on these dominant state's culture, moral standing and belief.
While this is happening there is more resistance from less developed countries
to reject these laws because they feel they had no say or were not considered
in the decision of these laws, which most times affect them adversely and
are beneficial to the states that help to make the law. Imposition of powerful
states over less developed countries has been a growing issue in international
law. Western countries like the United States and European Dominance has been
accused by less developed nations like Africa, Asians, Latin Americans and
other non-westerners are disrupting their cultures. These nations are
apt to reject the laws set by the westerners. Naturally the Western
countries are more more apt to obey the laws more than these countries, because
they are the ones who helped to enact these laws. Martine Luther King
spoke about just laws and unjust laws (Letter from Birmingham Jail) and made
reference to the Holocaust where it was considered legal to prosecute Jews
and illegal to offer assistance. Socrates also tried to define justice while
his colleagues had many version or definitions to define this one thing that
should be so naturally simple (The Republic of Plato). Thrasymachus,
in the same book, gave an interesting definition of justice. 'Just accordingly
means what is for the interest of the stronger, ruling party, ' He believes
that justice is achieved when an individual outdoes his opponent and benefits
from his victory whether in money dealings or otherwise ' without any
moral consideration.
'And let it here be noted that men are either to be kindly treated,
or utterly crushed, since they can revenge lighter injuries, but not graver.
Wherefore the injury we do to a man should be of a sort to leave no fear of
reprisals. ' (Machievelli 's The Prince - page 4) Kindly treated
would be good if mankind had the universal love that says love thy neighbor
as I love myself as Freud wrote (Civilization and Its Discontent ' pg
68) 'Men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved, and who at the
most can defend themselves if they are attacked; they are on the contrary
creatures among whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful
share of aggressiveness. ' Freud explains that that neighbor that we
are told to love merely because he or she is an inhabitant of this earth may
detest us and loathe us, because that is men 's instinct to harm each
other. Should mankind ensure their safety like Machiavelli states, by injuring
our enemy to an extent that would any eliminate all possibilities of reprisals?
Preemptive strike works in this effect, if the opponent is given the
opportunity to attack first; the other leaders should be or will be aiming
for the same objective ' to eliminate the possibility of reprisals.
Because laws are very complicated in international political system and enemy
states can rise against each other and attack out of petty differences, it
boils down to the fittest of the fittest surviving with the complicated guidance
of the United Nations Charter, The International Court of Justice, Treaties,
and though not a part of the law ' Morality.
The United Nations under resolution 1441 demanded from Iraq their full cooporation
in allowing inspectors return to check for weapons of mass destruction.
Iraq has been accused of several act of aggression and non-compliance of the
resolution over the years and as a result, the United States is in limbo waiting
for a possible attack on Iraq. The United States President has belabored time
and again the threat that Saddam posed to the United States and the rest of
the world, therefore, article 51 or the UN Charter is the US's way to clarify
its constant claim of imminent danger that Saddam posed to the US and the need
for anticipatory self-defense. We have heard speculations about Saddam 's arsenal
of weapons, but to date we have no proof of the current state of his weaponry.
If these accusations are true, and given Saddam's history on human rights and
his Kuwait invasion in 1990, the Iraqi Kurds, and his fall out with the UN inspectors,
then military action should not be spared. America is not flawless either;
it has been the center of several controversies concerning its unfair foreign
policy practices with less developed nations. These are less severe than
the myriad acts of aggression that Iraq has been accused of, but nevertheless,
unfair practices in the international political system.
After September11, 2001 attacks the US should be prepared take every precaution
to protect its citizens and country. As Tony Blair questioned in his address
to the United Nations, supposed he (Tony Blir) had come to them on September
10, 2001 and told them that there is an outlaw group by the name of al Qeada
and gave them all the details about what they believed Al Qeada is planning
to do, how would they have reacted? A preemptive strike should be use
if it can save lives and gives military advantage. Machiavelli said it is
better to be feared than love. I say it is better to eliminate the fear. If
a dictator exists and holds the world in fear with threat of biological and
nuclear weapons, all effort must be made to eliminate that threat. The
victims of September 11, 2001 were civilians, they were not military personnel;
an act of terrorism was committed against them.
'I never advocated war except as a means of peace. ' Ulysses S.
Grant. Though peace may not be possible because of mankind instinct for killing
and harming each other; sometimes war is necessary to facilitate at least
temporary peace and minimize tyrany. Though aggressors may be able to concealed
their aggression behind the UN charter as acting in self-defense, the UN and
other states acting, as the ego and super ego should be acting as the protector
of world peace, which is an impossible task. War can be minimized, however,
complete peace is not pratical complete peace is not practical.
"Injustice armed is hardest to deal with; and though
man is born with weapons which he can use in the service of practical wisdom
and virtue, it is all too easy for him to use them for the opposite purposes.
Hence man without virtue is the most savage, the most unrighteous..."
I have had the opportunity to interview Lee Covino a Vietnam Veteran who was recently appointed by the mayor to sit on the City's Veterans Advisory Board along with four other advisor whose duty is to advise the mayor of veterans affairs on issues affecting New York City Veterans.
Q. What was it like to be in active duty during wartime?
A. We had a draft; it was conscription, but I decided to volunteer, so I enlisted to fulfil my commitment before going to college. I never had the opportunity to be really active or killing anybody or being shot at in any way. I had to return home in less than two weeks after ariving in Vietnam, because I had a family emergency - my father was very sick. I enlisted in the army in April 1970 and I served until December 1971.
Q. Most people opposed war out of concern for the welfare of the soldiers, If you had the opportunity to be really active in war would you have volunteered?
A. I opposed the war at the time and I felt that the best way to deal with that was to go in and opposed it from the inside. In fact when I returned to the US, we (other soldiers) and myself started an underground newspaper called "Training Action" and distributed it in forth Dix, New Jersey. This was our way of opposing the injustices we saw then.
Q. You opposed the war in Vietnam; how do you feel now about te United States going to war with Iraq?
A. War is something that I do not believe that anybody in government takes lightly. Todays situation is much different than in vietnam where we kind of inherited the war from the French. The French were there for at least a decade before the US; we were funding their war, and ultimately we took over from them. The reasons there were very different from the reasons why we are looking at the middle east today. The Middle East today is a herbage of islamic facism and the Islamic radicals has declared holy war on anybody who is not a Muslim. They made this clear from their own mosque. They are training children to bom innocent civilians. New York City for the first time ever their's been an attack on the shores ot the United States against people going to work, who are not military targets, which to me makes it more critical than the Pearl harbor attack which we are looking at the anniversary tomorrow December 7th, which was a military target and was atttacked by military uniformed individuals. So there is a lot of risk in those extremist countries to ones very existence and to our people.
Q. The President is targeting Iraq right now, but don't you think that there are other countries out there, including the US that has nuclear weapons?
A. Well, Iraq has had, and it was determined when the last inspection regimen was underway that they do have weapons of mass destruction and I'm sure that there's documentation from what I can understand of Iraq's involvement whith not only sheltering these fanatic Islamics, but also funding their efforts and there's a very long papertrail connection in those regards. The reason I believe the president