Lindsey Van Nuil
Final Thoughts

I forget.
I forget how the light hits the smooth marble, wraps itself around the contours of the body and falls softly to the floor.
I forget how the dark caverns twist and turn. Small cases line the sand textured wall painted with blue, black and green.
I forget how the old wooden beams make up the arched ceiling. I forget how the glass stained with brilliant colors doesn’t let the light in.
I forget the vibrant reds, small pictures and mystical statues. They take me somewhere outside of this place.
I forgot how the soft breeze dances on my face during a warm summer evening.
I forgot how words can make my skin feel. Not only the sounds they make, but the meaning behind them. It lingers in my ears; resonates in my mind.
I forget what the rain sounds like on the tiled panes of glass. What the sky looks like while the clouds buzz by.
I forgot how that rain feels in the heat.  
I forget who I am. I forget who I was. I don’t know who I will be.
I am reminded by the storm. The sky wants me to remember.
The night sky cracks. Flash – The once dark expanse is filled with that memorable white light.
Its loud cries beg me to remember.
To come back to who I was before. I want to remember.
I am reminded of what I have forgotten.
I have gotten wrapped up in the normalcy of life.
I got lost.
I remember the words writers wrote that came from their hearts and souls.
It was their passion.
Some risked their lives writing. Some lives are still at risk.
But they persevered.
That is what they know. That is what they do.
I may have that. I should not be afraid of my thoughts and my words.
I have to keep going. I have to persevere. I can’t give up. I won’t forget.