By Deborah Dawson - July, 19, 2001

Moltar is born. The year 1989 in the Indian Ocean lays a remote area named Psunuci; this is the birthplace of the one named Moltar.

Myar believed she had some remnant of a recent bout of sickness that was plaguing the village leaving her bloated and uncomfortable. She didn’t have any inkling that she could be "sniefre" (pregnant), since she had no activity to render her in that condition. Her best friend’s mother Pissa, the town snoop, noticed Myar’s bulging belly. Not an opportunity passed, when she was in Myar’s presence, that she didn’t inquire about the father of the unborn child nor ask how Myar had been spending her free time (of which she hardly had any.) Myar became increasingly annoyed with Pissa’s questioning and decided to confront her.

Myar, half-crying half-speaking, tried to explain that she was still recovering from her recent sickness, "I’m still ill with fever and it is so cruel for you to torment me; I am not with child. How dare you tease me this way?" Almost laughing in Myar’s face, Pissa thought better of it realizing that the young girl really didn’t understand that she was pregnant. In a momentary motherly moment Pissa showed a glimpse of compassion and gently discussed symptoms of pregnancy. "Myar I thought you knew! Dear child how did this happen to you?" Like a thunderbolt it struck Myar, she knew that it was really true. Her lack of normal periods, her tender breasts, and her longing for foods that she normally hated; it all added up. "But how could this be?" she asked herself. " I have been no where near a man, I’m awaiting to be selected as a bride and took an oath" ;as this was part of ritual and cultural heritage for the Psunuci people.

Myar was totally shocked when she realized that her bulging belly encased a baby, yet to be born, since she never had sexual intercourse. Being a spiritual person, she concluded that destiny chose her to be the mother of a special child. But, she had no idea why she was chosen and for what purpose.

Even in these modern times in terms of Psunuci culture, her friends and neighbors ostracized Myar. Now she was forever banished from the small village where she made her home, where she lived since becoming an orphan at the age of 10. She fled to the sparsely inhabited countryside and built a straw hut to accommodate herself and the her awaiting child.

Until her unforeseen pregnancy, Myar made her living in the marketplace selling intricately woven baskets and bags made from thrush. Now that her fate had been forever altered, she was forced to create new means for basic survival. Banishment made it impossible for her to make a living in the traditional way,the way that she had learned after her abandonment, after her parents died. Resorting to begging and the kindness of strangers to keep from starving, she was determined to find her way for her sake and the baby.

Myar gave birth, all alone, to this cherubic black-haired, black-eyed, pink skinned beautiful round infant. As a newborn it was surprising that he was already cooing and making lovely musical lilting sounds, enrapturing all who came near the little boy. There was something so special about this child and Myar knew this. Actually she knew that there was something unique about her baby, but yet was not been able to place it.

Loving this child, more than life itself, Myar held him to feed at her breast, as love and contentment washed over her. Her entire being exploded with joy and compassion, having far surpassed anything she ever felt before. You may think that perhaps what she experienced was natural, that it was what all mothers feel. But somehow this was different and she knew it and it seemed like the tiny Moltar knew it too. Actually anyone who met this child knew that there was something extraordinarily different about him. No one could gaze upon his face without having an altered disposition. He seemed to have an extremely positive affect on anyone who laid eyes on him.

Myar struggled to keep them both fed and clothed after he was born, but this would not be for long. As this child was growing-up it was evident that he possessed special powers and as Moltar’s abilities materialized it became easier for his Mother. If his mother needed food, Moltar would ask her to tell him exactly what she wanted. He would then concentrate intently and go into a daze, like a trance. Within hours the specific food and items that Myar wanted was set by her doorstep. It seemed that all Moltar had to do was to think about something and he could manifest it.

As he grew, it became evident that Moltar was determined to make people happy and content, and this became his life purpose. Now in the year 2001, Moltar, still a child at 12 years old, thinks like an adult, along with the gift of having extraordinary abilities. He is ecstatic when kindness, compassion and goodness abides and he creates it wherever he goes, in spite of the most difficult and trying circumstances.

In addition Moltar can travel through time and space without bounds. He can walk into books, poems and other forms of literature, becoming part of the story and can drastically change the outcome.

Recently he stepped into Ingolstadt, Germany, where he came upon a scene in which Frankenstein had just completed his creation of the ghastly beast. If you recall, the monster lifted up his hand to Frankenstein, which caused Mr. F to flee from the horror of this, his creation's first stirring. With one look Moltar, who was standing outside Frankenstein’s building, riveted the dazed fleeing Frankenstein, stopping him in his tracks. Frankenstein, breathless, cried "don’t I know you"? To which Moltar replied "yes and no."

Frightened and now puzzled, Frankenstein gave Moltar a strange look. Moltar explained "You know me through my qualities and although I am a stranger to you, I represent goodness, the goodness inherent in all of us, when we allow ourselves to see, think and feel as clearly as a child, unprejudiced by outside influences."

"Please let me see your creation, kind sir" Moltar requested and to which, Frankenstein agreed. They walked up the stairs to the flat and there the creature was spread out on the bed crying. " Why do you weep so?" Moltar begins…. "My creator has abandoned me on this day, the day of my birth. I am a creature without a name, so wretched as to not even have been properly named, woe is me." Moltar turned to Frankenstein and asked "Why did you bring this being into existence? " "To prove it can be accomplished and to save mankind" Frankenstein replied. Moltar continued, "Now that this is evident my kind sir, does this meet your expectations?"

Frankenstein reflected on this, revealed his distress on his pained face, recounted his position and stated plainly "I have made a mistake of the greatest proportion by not considering any negative consequences of my actions. But my biggest regret is that I have not considered the humanity of the beast, for he is the one most affected by me, his creator. I made him, gave him life and that is the height of irresponsibility. I now know that this "monster" is my child and as such I will care for him and perhaps, just perhaps, we can both do good for humankind. Thank you." And before his very eyes Moltar vanished and when he looked at the monster he too was transformed. His ugly scars faded and his whole being re-formed into a beautiful round lovely baby boy.



Molar Meets Jekyll and Hyde

Moltar’s mission is to replace evil with good and to that end he ventures through our time and space here on earth. As you are already aware, anyone that comes in contact with this special spirit is profoundly affected by his presence; just one look at Moltar lifts the spirit of those around him and leaves each with a feeling of joy and contentment. Traveling within Stevenson’s "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", Moltar begins to question his ability to manifest his mission within this complicated story.

Moltar: (thinking to himself) This man Hyde represents the evil dwelling in humankind and to negate him is tantamount to killing him. How can I rationalize killing Hyde and yet remain true to my convictions? Moltar decides to seek the counsel of his respected adviser, Asnay the medicine man, and goes back to his birthplace in Psunnuci to meet with him. Having heard of his great powers, the townspeople flock to his side upon his arrival. They regard him as a G-d and have encouraged worship in his name.

Moltar: (enraged) This is not my plan; there is no benefit in creating another religion to have more disparity and discord among people. I am not interested in developing a new set of rituals to thrust upon the world. Time and time again religions have shown that they're no more than belief systems that foster war and turn one against another. This is far inferior to what I want created in the world.

Moltar: (softening his approach) Take me to see Asnay; I beseech you to discontinue any rituals to honor me and my message.

Moltar: (having arrived at Asnay's dwelling) Asnay, I am faced with the dilemma of good versus evil, which dwells in all humans. If I remove Hyde the harbinger of evil, am I not executing the one that I want to safeguard?

Asnay: My son, your faith and your powers of goodness do not betray you since you need to develop the goodness in the evil one. Do not blame him, do not cast him out; instead embrace and envelop him in your love.

Moltar: How can I deal with such an evil force? It's inconceivable to think that love will change someone who is so entrenched in malevolence.

Go back to the time when Hyde came into existence, prior to committing his first misdeed. If you show him the path that lies ahead, he will acquiesce. Stay strong and centered!

(goes back in time to Jekyll's lab) Hyde, let me introduce myself; the name is Moltar.

Hyde: (startled and dazed) How did you enter here; no one was at the door? I must be dreaming or imagining you.

Moltar: Not at all. Please be sure that I am here to assist you in your life. Your path is replete with misery and pain; I would like to protect you and prevent disaster for yourself and all that may be touched by you.

Hyde: Go away fool, I am delighted to be so invigorated. For the first time, in a long time, I feel free.

Moltar: Does freedom mean destruction and murder.


Moltar and the Invisible Man

Moltar is summoned by an overwhelming urge to reach into the recesses of time and place in the world of fiction, in the late 1800's. Drawn to situations that is fraught with injustice, Moltar the "do-gooder" has now traveled through the pages of "The Invisible Man" and meets up with a family from the town of Iping, who are suffering terribly. Hearing cries, and seeing some locals run for their lives, through black clouds of smoke, others lined up, in an assembly line to dispense water buckets, Moltar feels their agony and inquires of one of the escapees of this calamity.

How did this catastrophe occur?

Simpson: Dunno, seems, sir like down at the inn, in one of the rooms, some great accident happened in the house, just ignited, just like that…strange…lots o' strange things happening.

Moltar: No idea what caused this?

Simpson: Well, sir, no, not exactly. But strange goings on around ‘ere. You must of heard…..the man who can’t be seen? Iping has been invaded by a ghost and people are acting, acting crazy like....

Moltar: What matter of man could this be? How do you know he exists?

Simpson: Sir, he been seen, been seen by his clothes, all wrapped up with nothin under, no body, no skin; it’s an abomination. Yuh see he came to town with clothes, next thing yuh know he’s in the inn takes off a glove and no arm, no face, like I said no body…can’t splain any better…...and I’m not the only one who seen it, others, there are others. Wrecked the whole holiday, he did, that one.

Moltar: (holding back his tears, recognizing the devastation that has occurred and the inherent possibilities of someone so dangerous.) Where are the occupants of the inn?

Simpson: They're scared, 'fraid for their lives and they said they going back to Poland. Where the only fear is the Poles, but they can at least see 'em, sir.

Moltar: (thinks to himself) This has to change. I cannot allow such evil to survive and the poor soul; this invisible man, he's deranged, damaged. I need to go to the source.

Moltar goes back to the earlier days, when Griffith (invisible man) is a child of 10 years old, and Moltar witnesses, first hand, the relationship with father and son. The mother died when Griffith was 4 years old; he can barely remember her. Griffith is now about 10 years old.

Griffith, Sr.
: No dinner for you son. You didn't complete your chores and now you have to pay the consequences.

Griffith: But father…..last night, no dinner last night either….I couldn't even lift my head today, (crying) I'm starving. The last meal I ate was 2 days ago and then it was only gruel.

Griffith, Sr: Why should you get special treatment? You're aware of the rules; no work, no dinner…just get into bed! (Now yelling at the top of his lungs) Now get up and work now; go out to the field and pull the crop, you dumb imbecile!

Griffith: (weeping and pulling at his father's clothes) Father I cannot. How can I see in the dark. I'm scared…I can't…I won't. I will not father.

Griffth, Sr not speaking a word, goes to the barn and pulls out the whip that he uses for the oxen. He calls out for his son, while Moltar watches and is increasingly tormented with father's response to his son.

Moltar: (overcome with pain, he feels the blows of the whip before it strikes) Stop this insanity Mr. Griffith.

Griffth, Sr.: (caught totally by surprise) Where the hell did you come from?

Moltar: (totally disgusted with the elder) That's not of any import. Why, tell me, why do you treat this child so

Griffth, Sr.: (his demeanor softens, he becomes pensive) A child without a mother, he can get in some deep trouble, like myself as a child. He needs the discipline otherwise he'll be nothing, worse than nothing.

Moltar: (realizing that he found his vulnerability) But what about his nurturing, doesn't that count for something?

Griffth, Sr.: (getting angry again) But me…and my father that's what he did, and look at me!

Moltar: (calmly) Yes let's look at you. You’re angry, mean, deceitful, mistrusting and your soul is damaged.

Griffth, Sr.: (he reacts with a knowing look) You struck me in my gut. I know that this is true, I've been terribly wronged and now, and now my child, my child suffers and I must go to now. Thank you sir.



In the streets of London on a foggy evening Moltar lost his way, mostly due to his state of mind. Discontent with life now; he was struggling, struggling to get the balance that he needed. His sensitive nature was both his friend and his enemy and the enemy was winning; sucking out Moltar’s life force.

Moltar: (slipped on mud and fell face down, he was hurt, but continued on mumbling to himself) I’m possessed of special powers to, to create good on the
planet…. heal those in need but for me…, but for me…..
Knowing he needed something or someone to get to the other side of
his feelings, he was relentlessly hard on himself; his head was heavy
in thought, tormenting himself to find solutions.
Moltar: (whispering to himself) So alone, no one for me to turn to…(as he came upon a body lying in the street)
Moltar: (looking at this disheveled woman, surprised that he knew her face)
Miss, Miss are you alright?
Woman: (slightly stirring, moaning below her breath.) Go away, get!
Moltar: (undaunted, Moltar persists in his softest, kindest voice) Ma’m I can
help; please let me!
Woman: (becoming more awake) Help? What the hell makes you think I need
help and even if I did what business is that of yours. Get your stinking
face outta here.
Moltar: (surprised and visibly shaken, Moltar starts to tremble uncontrollably
and he’s trying to hold back tears) Miss, there is something wrong, not with you, but rather with me. I fear that I’m the one that needs a hand, at least for today.
Woman: You are quite the man aren’t you?. Perhaps you’re a little touched in
the ‘ead, waking me up, a total stranger and all to tell me, whose ‘ere
lying in the streets, that you’re in need. You must be bonkers, go away
and stop your bothering me.
Moltar: You look so familiar to me…do you know me? I come from lands far
from here… strange this feeling overcoming me….. (he passes out)
Woman: What's going on, get up and outta here….got enough trouble with the
old man. Who needs this crap?
Moltar: (apparently unconscious making undistinguishable
sounds…something like Muda…obviously meaning Mother…he
sobs uncontrollably, with his eyes still closed.)

Woman: This cannot be, not 'im, I lost 'im years ago maybe 40-50 years
ago….no impossible….I must be crazed…too little to eat…no
life…just crazy I am.
Passerby: (looks at the scene in amazement, and pities them. Throws an over-
ripened banana their way.)

Woman: What makes you think we needs your hand-me-down food, you
looney. Why don't you just open your purse and gives us some coins and if not just mind your damn business.
Moltar: Mother, it's me your son, I never thought to see you again.


Here I am Moltar at twelve
in this world I’m doomed to delve
into lives well-Iived or not,
I’m doing good on the spot.
You think this strange, bazaar and more,
well kind sir you aren’t alone in your
feelings here.
Unfortunately the way we live in the here
and now, makes no sense anyhow,
‘cept for what we could do for each other
there is nothing else worth bother.
So whether or not you agree,
there’s no other road for me.
I am doomed I say, doomed I say,
to make my way, to make my way,
through this labyrinth of men, women and children
to give them what I can, what I can and more.

I, Moltar, like people the way we are,
with regular brains, blood and guts.
When you talk of cyber implants it
kind of makes me nuts.
Not that we don’t need to improve, to
fix the sick and cure disease,
but you see if we’re no longer people,
who are we, for me this doesn’t please.

Music is pure most certainly for sure,
lyrics and melody are here to endure
and for this I’m eternally grateful for what a bleak
place, without the grace,
of this form of art and expression,
we would surely be deprived
and perhaps think, "is it worth it to be alive?"


Right now the peoples in Palestine,
think they are entitled to divine rights,
each in their way thinks it’s theirs
they explode, torment and kill,
all to proclaim "this is G-d’s will".
I must go there to save them from themselves,
must teach them to love, and nurture and trust.
Thus is the challenge to touch those
embittered in war, blind to others,
the challenge to bring them together
as human species on the planet,
to embrace that and their oneness,
along with their differences.


Moltar reflects on life as he is interviewed by Barbara Walters - A Fable
Barbara: Moltar, what was your reaction to "AI"?
Moltar: You know it isn’t that far-fetched, what happened in this film. Science and technology are closer and closer to making, I mean creating new life forms that can be programmed to react to people and their surroundings and even seem to be human. Sad, very, very, sad…. the movie, I mean. This robot child was merely a pet to his adoptive family and yet his creator left an indelible "human" mark. Once programmed to know his mother, the robot gave her his love completely and unconditionally, and so cruel, his feelings for her could not be reversed, ever. If his adoptive "parents" ever gave him up, he would have to be returned to then be destroyed as he was rendered invalid, no longer worthy of "life".
Barbara: But certainly Moltar, he had no real feelings he was just programmed. He was a prototype, so it was just a glitch in their coding, and they’d be able to improve on this in later models. They would then be able to undo it.
Moltar: I think not, Barbara. They modeled the boy after us. In fact, this whole idea of programming, where do you think it originated? With the "Univac"? No, no dear, humankind has been programmed since the beginning of existence and we are only now starting to unlock and unravel the genetic codes..
Barbara: Yes, that’s true, but he was just a robot, programmed to react like humans, he was still a robot. N’est-ce pas?
Moltar: Oiu et non, mademoiselle Walters. You see who we are emotionally can be directly linked to what we were taught or in other words "programmed." You’ve heard that American expression; "the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree" haven’t you? Where, Barbara, do you think that comes from?
Barbara: Well look who’s interviewing who now, you clever man.
Moltar: Look Barbara, I am not trying to be cute; I’m only attempting to get my point across. You see people have feelings, and act and react due to having been programmed, both intentionally and unintentionally, to behave that way, by the ones around them…..parents, siblings, teachers, etc. and of course by their genes, which we now know is an elaborate and complex set of biological instructions. So…..that’s why we can be duplicated.
Barbara: Very interesting, I never quite saw it this way. Makes me feel that I have more in common with that little robot boy than I realized.
Moltar: That’s the idea, so as I was saying the movie left me with a sad feeling.
Barbara: This is incredible, Moltar, at such an early age you see beyond your years, actually beyond most of our years. Is it true that you have special powers?
Dear one, the powers, that most people refer to are indeed special. I can travel through time and space and walk through literature the way others go through their lives. But my major special power is within all humans and this, my benevolent host, is the supreme and the most treasured of all.
Barbara: Now you’ve aroused my curiosity, Moltar. Tell me about this supreme power.
Moltar: It’s quite simple, it’s the power of love coupled with unconditional forgiveness.
Barbara: Moltar this seems not just simple, but please forgive me for saying it seems simplistic. Have you heard this comment before?
Moltar: Oh yes Barbara, by the way it’s quite all right, your comment I mean. Most of humanity responds this way. Yet this power is undeniable. Did you have the good fortune of being loved by your Mother. Do you know what I mean the kind of love that is unconditional and forgiving?
Barbara: Caught you; interviewing me again?
Moltar: Barbara the love of mother, that’s what I’m describing… heals, nourishes and provides renewal. Try to imagine, just everyday interactions and encounters with others; transformation occurs effortlessly, miraculously.
Barbara: I see; what else can you share about this?
Moltar: For now this is all I can reveal. You and your viewers need to just absorb this simple concept: love and forgiveness, the kind your Mother gave or for some of the unlucky ones the kind she should have given.
Barbara: Come back soon, Moltar, will you?
Moltar: Yes Barbara, soon. Goodnight.