A. Printed words: scenes, monologues, short stories, poems, essays or scientific writing and
B. Physical presentations: acting of scenes and monologues, therapeutic relationships, presentation of movement exercises, yoga, martial arts, dance, hands-on therapy, drawings, photographs or tapes.
Students should include a bibliography and an analysis of how their printed writing differs from their corporeal presentations.
Make sure your portfolio is organized with at least one entry per week in chronological order culminating in the final project.
We will have a public presentation the last week of class of selections from the portfolios, as well as electronic displays of our work online.
To get a B: You must have no more than 2 absences;
submit all weekly assignments on time with no more than 2 Unsatisfactory marks;
and present a Satisfactory portfolio.
To get a C: You must have no more than 3 absences;
submit all assignments by the end of the semester;
and present a Satisfactory portfolio,
a Satisfactory final project with no more than 3 Unsatisfactory assignments.