Neuromuscular Integration

Neuromuscular Integration includes posture: how we sit, stand, rest, do chores and aerobic exercise. Is our skeletal structure in good alignment in terms of basic physics or are we holding joints in twisted positions with static, chronic muscle contracture? Do we use too little or too much energy to perform tasks? How quickly or slowly do we work? A number of people have analysed human movement from Rudolf Laban, Alexander, Feldenkrais to Mabel Todd, Lulu Sweigard, and modern practitioners of ideokinesis and neuromuscular integration in sports, dance and neurologic medicine. They may call techniques after themselves because they have described certain procedures or imagery that worked well for their patients but it's basically the same principle: how to use the coordination of the mindbody to enhance human movement potential. How many illnesses or conditions could be ameliorated or prevented with good neuromuscular integration? Are some people osteoarthritic because they simply cannot feel and create good alignment and coordination? Do they lack this kinesthetic sense in th same way that others are deaf or color blind?
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